Dec 5, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Jose Florez Gomez1,Songyang Chang1,Xiangyong Wu1
University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras1
Jose Florez Gomez1,Songyang Chang1,Xiangyong Wu1
University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras1
Voltaic pile, the very first battery built by humanity in 1800, plays a seminal role in battery development history. However, the premature design leads to the inevitable copper ion dissolution issue, which dictates its primary battery nature. To address this issue, solid-state electrolytes, ion exchange membranes, and/or sophisticated electrolytes are widely utilized, leading to high costs and complicated cell configuration. Herein, we build a rechargeable zinc−copper voltaic battery from simple and cheap electrolyte/separator materials, thus eliminating the need to use the above components. Notably, our battery leverages the Zn4SO4(OH)6.
xH2O precipitation in ZnSO4 electrolytes, a common side reaction in zinc batteries, to provide a “locally alkaline” environment for copper electrodes. Consequently, oxide (O2−) anion insertion takes place and readily transforms copper to copper(I) oxide (Cu2O) without any copper ion dissolution issue. Therefore, this battery realizes a high capacity of ∼370 mA h g
-1 and a long cycling of ∼500 cycles. Our work provides an innovative approach to stabilize anion insertion in metal electrodes for energy storage.