December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Catalyzing Electrochemical CO2 REduction to Methanol

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom B



Yang Shao-Horn1,Sunmoon Yu1,Davide Menga1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1


Yang Shao-Horn1,Sunmoon Yu1,Davide Menga1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1
Our society is currently facing critical challenges regarding CO2 emissions and drastic changes in the way we produce energy, chemicals and materials are required in order to tackle global warming. The electrochemical reduction of CO2 is a key reaction in order to reduce our carbon footprint and a great scientific effort is being made to improve our knowledge and understanding about this complicated process. Recently, cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) has drawn tremendous attention due to its capability to electrochemically reduce CO2and CO to methanol (1-6), a key molecule in the chemical manufacturing industry. Because of its well-defined structure, CoPc provides a model platform to understand reaction mechanism and rationally improve the catalytic activity and stability. In our recent work, through kinetic isotope effect studies and electrokinetic analyses, we identified the protonation of adsorbed CHO as the rate determining step (RDS) for CO2-to-methanol conversion and we showed that the hydration shell of more acidic alkali cations can enhance CO2-to-methanon kinetics via faster proton-coupled electron transfer (in the order Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Cs+). This conclusion was supported by density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. In this contribution, the reaction mechanism of CO2-to-methanol electroreduction will be discussed, with a particular focus on how proton-coupled electron transfer kinetics and the stability of reaction intermediates can be tuned in order to maximize the faradaic efficiency for methanol production. Moreover, we will discuss the impact of different reaction conditions on the stability of the CoPc catalyst and possible mitigation strategies will be proposed.
Y. Wu, Z. Jiang, X. Lu, Y. Liang and H. Wang, Nature, 575, 639 (2019).
C. L. Rooney, M. Lyons, Y. Wu, G. Hu, M. Wang, C. Choi, Y. Gao, C.-W. Chang, G. W. Brudvig, Z. Feng and H. Wang, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63, e202310623 (2024).
J. Li, B. Shang, Y. Gao, S. Cheon, C. L. Rooney and H. Wang, Nature Synthesis, 2, 1194 (2023).
J. Su, C. B. Musgrave, Y. Song, L. Huang, Y. Liu, G. Li, Y. Xin, P. Xiong, M. M.-J. Li, H. Wu, M. Zhu, H. M. Chen, J. Zhang, H. Shen, B. Z. Tang, M. Robert, W. A. Goddard and R. Ye, Nature Catalysis, 6, 818 (2023).
E. Boutin, M. Wang, J. C. Lin, M. Mesnage, D. Mendoza, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, C. Hahn, T. F. Jaramillo and M. Robert, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58, 16172 (2019).
L. Yao, K. E. Rivera-Cruz, P. M. Zimmerman, N. Singh and C. C. L. McCrory, ACS Catalysis, 14, 366 (2024).


interface | operando

Symposium Organizers

Alexander Giovannitti, Chalmers University of Technology
Joakim Halldin Stenlid, KBR Inc., NASA Ames Research Center
Helena Lundberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Germán Salazar Alvarez, Uppsala University

Session Chairs

Alexander Giovannitti
Joakim Halldin Stenlid
Helena Lundberg
Germán Salazar Alvarez

In this Session