December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Wood as Hygromorphic Actuators

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:30am - 9:00am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 111



Lining Yao1,Danli Luo2,Teng Zhang3,Shu Yang4,Guanyun Wang5,Tucker Rae-Gran6

University of California, Berkeley1,University of Washington2,Syracuse University3,University of Pennsylvania4,Zhejiang University5,Carnegie Mellon University6


Lining Yao1,Danli Luo2,Teng Zhang3,Shu Yang4,Guanyun Wang5,Tucker Rae-Gran6

University of California, Berkeley1,University of Washington2,Syracuse University3,University of Pennsylvania4,Zhejiang University5,Carnegie Mellon University6
Natural wood has well-studied hygromorphic properties and is an abundant, environmentally friendly structural material. Compared to other biodegradable, water-responsive materials like spider silk, bacterial spores, engineered silk film, pollen paper, and naturally derived hydrogels, wood offers a superior modulus (about 10 GPa) and can be processed on a large scale (centimeters to meters). However, the high modulus also limits wood-based actuators to a small initial curvature (<10 m−1) and a small range of curvature changes (<30 m−1). To tackle this challenge, we developed a five-step process involving both chemical washing and mechanical molding to transform bulk wood into a tight hygromorphic actuator. With this technique, we can turn wood veneer into highly stiff (about 4.9 GPa when dry and about 1.3 GPa when wet) hygromorphic bending or coiling actuators with an extremely large bending curvature (1,854 m−1), 45 times larger than values reported in the literature. We design and fabricate self-drilling seed carriers [1] and versatile wood-based actuation materials and applications [2] with this process.
[1] Luo, D., Maheshwari, A., Danielescu, A. et al. Autonomous self-burying seed carriers for aerial seeding. Nature 614, 463–470 (2023).
[2] Rae-Grant, T., Wang, S., and Yao, L. 2024. ExCell: High Expansion Ratio Moisture-Responsive Wooden Actuators for DIY Shape-Changing and Deployable Structures. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 516, 1–14 (2024).


chemical reaction

Symposium Organizers

Ingo Burgert, ETH Zurich
Liangbing Hu, University of Maryland
Yuanyuan Li, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Luis Pereira, NOVA University Lisbon

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Elvira Fortunato
Yuanyuan Li

In this Session