December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Metastable Beta-Titanium Multi-Principal-Element Alloys

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Maximillian Adams1,Niall Pastuszek1,Mason Weems1,Amy Clarke1,Kester Clarke1

Colorado School of Mines1


Maximillian Adams1,Niall Pastuszek1,Mason Weems1,Amy Clarke1,Kester Clarke1

Colorado School of Mines1
Metastable beta-titanium multi-principal-element alloys (β-Ti MPEAs) are paving the way for exciting materials science advancements, particularly for aerospace and automotive engineering industries. These alloys stay stable in the beta phase under normal conditions and transform into a martensitic phase when impacted, making them tougher and more durable thanks to the TRIP (Transformation-Induced Plasticity) mechanism and increased dislocation density. Our approach involves casting the material with minor compositional variations and optimizing it through heat treatment or thermomechanical processes. We will use XRD for phase identification, EBSD for phase and orientation analysis, and EDS for elemental composition to analyze our results. Exploring martensitic reactions, including TRIP, superelasticity, and shape memory, has practical benefits for industry and academia. In industry, such materials could make auto bodies better at absorbing energy during crashes. Fundamentally, this research helps us understand phase transitions more deeply and pushes the boundaries of materials science.



Symposium Organizers

Daniel Gianola, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jiyun Kang, Stanford University
Eun Soo Park, Seoul National University
Cem Tasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Session Chairs

Hyunseok Oh
Eun Soo Park

In this Session