December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Magnetic Field and Ultrasound Induced Simultaneous Wireless Energy Harvesting Using Magnetoelectric Transducer for Biomedical Implants

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
11:15am - 11:30am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 108



Sumanta Kumar Karan1,Sujay Hosur1,Bed Poudel1,Mehdi Kiani1,Shashank Priya1

The Pennsylvania State University1


Sumanta Kumar Karan1,Sujay Hosur1,Bed Poudel1,Mehdi Kiani1,Shashank Priya1

The Pennsylvania State University1
Wireless energy harvesting is a promising technology that can be seamlessly integrated into various electronics systems. However, one of the primary obstacles in harnessing wireless power transfer for implantable medical devices is the inherent limitations associated with transducer alignment sensitivity and low power capacity within safety limits. Consequently, there is a pressing need to develop wireless technologies with robust power capabilities. To address this challenge, researchers have explored the use of magnetoelectric devices based on hard piezoelectric materials. These devices can harvest magnetic fields while adhering to safety regulations when operating in air, liquid, or tissue media. A prototype device, with a volume of 0.075 cm3 is demonstrated to harvest magnetic and ultrasound energies simultaneously from a single device traveling through liquid/tissue media generating an ultra-high rms power of ∼52.1 mW across input of ∼500 μT rms magnetic field and ∼675 mW cm−2 ultrasound intensity, which are below the safety limits prescribed by the IEEE and FDA. This represents an ∼225% improvement compared to individual magnetoelectric systems utilizing a single source under safety limits. The device can recharge a 3 V lithium-ion battery with 1 mA-h capacity at a rate of ∼1.67 mC s−1 in porcine tissue. Furthermore, the device has excellent cell viability (85–90%) with limited cytotoxicity and is promising for biomedical implants. These findings demonstrate that the dual energy harvester based on magnetic field and ultrasound intensity has the potential to power wide range of biomedical devices.

Symposium Organizers

Shuo Chen, University of Houston
Qing Hao, University of Arizona
Sunmi Shin, National University of Singapore
Mona Zebarjadi, University of Virginia

Symposium Support

Nextron Corporation

Session Chairs

Sepideh Akhbarifar

In this Session