December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Nanostructured Sb2Te3 and Ag2Te Films on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membranes for Near-Room-Temperature Thermoelectric Heat Harvesting in Mechanically Flexible Devices

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom A



Ankit Kashyap1,2,Geetu Sharma2,Divya Rawat1,Debattam Sarkar3,Niraj Kumar Singh1,Conner Wallace2,Kanishka Biswas3,Ganpati Ramanath2,Ajay Soni1

Indian Institute of Technology Mandi1,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute2,Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research3


Ankit Kashyap1,2,Geetu Sharma2,Divya Rawat1,Debattam Sarkar3,Niraj Kumar Singh1,Conner Wallace2,Kanishka Biswas3,Ganpati Ramanath2,Ajay Soni1

Indian Institute of Technology Mandi1,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute2,Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research3
There is a great deal of interest in high figure-of-merit (ZT) thermoelectric materials for applications such as power generation from waste heat, solid-state refrigeration to support efficient photovoltaic conversion, and heat management in nanoelectronics. High room-temperature ZT in metal chalcogenides demonstrated through nanostructuring and doping have evinced interest in their integration with flexible substrates for powering consumer electronic devices1, 2. Here, we demonstrate the integration of nanostructured thin films of Ag2Te and Sb2Te3 nanostructures with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes for generating micro-volt-level electric fields. Ag2Te nanowires and Sb2Te3 nanoplatelets were obtained by either rapid microwave-stimulated surfactant-assisted synthesis or chemical conversion of Te nanowires without a surfactant. Both processes are efficient and amenable to scaled-up production. Micrometer-thick films of these layers were formed on PVDF by vacuum filtration, drying, and cold pressing. Both individual and bilayers of these materials remain mechanically resilient to flexing. The Ag2Te-based device with Cu contacts generated ~2.3 mV from a human finger touch, and ~18 mV with a 50 K temperature gradient3, while devices with nanostructured Ag2Te/Sb2Te3 bilayers exhibited ~2.5 mV, and ~28 mV, respectively. This talk will describe the key factors of materials synthesis and processing that play a defining role in the stability and performance of these flexible mV-harvesting devices. In particular, the roles of solvents, drying rate during film formation, size, and nanostructure shape will be discussed along with strategies to enhance mechanical flexibility and the thermoelectric properties. Our findings are relevant to scalable manufacturing of flexible thermoelectric devices for low-temperature energy harvesting. <!--![endif]---->

1. Mehta, R. J.; Zhang, Y.; Karthik, C.; Singh, B.; Siegel, R. W.; Borca-Tasciuc, T.; Ramanath, G., A new class of doped nanobulk high-figure-of-merit thermoelectrics by scalable bottom-up assembly. Nature Materials 2012, 11 (3), 233-240.
2. Mehta, R. J.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, H.; Parker, D. S.; Belley, M.; Singh, D. J.; Ramprasad, R.; Borca-Tasciuc, T.; Ramanath, G., Seebeck and Figure of Merit Enhancement in Nanostructured Antimony Telluride by Antisite Defect Suppression through Sulfur Doping. Nano Letters 2012, 12 (9), 4523-4529.
3. Kashyap, A.; Rawat, D.; Sarkar, D.; Singh, N. K.; Biswas, K.; Soni, A., Chemically Transformed Ag2Te Nanowires on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane For Flexible Thermoelectric Applications. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, 63 (11), e202401234.


microwave heating | thermoelectricity

Symposium Organizers

Ana Claudia Arias, University of California, Berkeley
Derya Baran, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Francisco Molina-Lopez, KU Leuven
Luisa Petti, Free University of Bozen Bolzano

Symposium Support

1-Material Inc.
Journal on Flexible Electronics
Nextron Corporation
Sciprios GmbH

Session Chairs

Levent Beker
Francisco Molina-Lopez

In this Session