December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

In Situ Transport Characterization of Hydride-Induced Thin-Film Reduction

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:45am - 9:00am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Hampton



Jiayue Wang1,Yijun Yu1,2,Jiarui Li2,Eun Kyo Ko1,2,Vivek Thampy2,Yi Cui1,2,Harold Hwang1,2

Stanford University1,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2


Jiayue Wang1,Yijun Yu1,2,Jiarui Li2,Eun Kyo Ko1,2,Vivek Thampy2,Yi Cui1,2,Harold Hwang1,2

Stanford University1,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2
Metal hydrides, such as CaH2, have recently emerged as highly promising reducing agents for facilitating the low-temperature reduction of metal oxides. A unique advantage of hydride reduction is its capability to synthesize metastable materials that are otherwise inaccessible through conventional high-temperature reactions. Notably, hydride reduction techniques have been utilized to create unusual NiO4 square-planar coordination in nickelates, a structure known to host superconductivity [1]. Beyond novel materials discovery, metal hydrides hold substantial potential in applied engineering, as previous studies have demonstrated that CaH2 can lower the temperature required for H2 reduction of iron oxide, offering benefits for clean hydrogen-based ironmaking [2]. Despite these wide-ranging applications, a pivotal scientific question remains: What is the true active reducing species in hydride reduction? Answering this question is crucial for unlocking the full potential of metal hydrides in both fundamental research and practical applications.

In this study, we investigate the CaH2-induced reduction kinetics of metal oxides using epitaxial α-Fe2O3 thin films as a model system. To elucidate the intrinsic reducing capability of CaH2, we seal the iron oxide thin-film samples along with CaH2 powders in an evacuated quartz tube and analyze the reduction behavior within this closed system. We developed an experimental platform that enables real-time monitoring of the CaH2 reduction process through transport measurements. Using this setup, we quantified the phase transformation kinetics from iron oxide to metallic iron by continuously tracking the evolution of electrical resistivity in the thin-film sample. Consequently, we determined the apparent activation energy of hydride reduction under conditions where samples were either in contact with or separated from CaH2 powders. In both cases, the apparent activation energies were identical and comparable to those obtained from gas-phase H2 reduction. These findings indicate that CaH2 reduction predominantly occurs via solid-gas interactions, with gas-phase H2 being the primary reducing agent. This study highlights the power of combining thin-film systems and in situ transport measurements to understand critical material processing reactions, which can help accelerate materials design and optimization.

[1] Li et al., Nature, 2019.
[2] Tsuchida et al., Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2023.


oxide | phase transformation

Symposium Organizers

Jolien Dendooven, Ghent University
Masaru Hori, Nagoya University
David Munoz-Rojas, LMGP Grenoble INP/CNRS
Christophe Vallee, University at Albany, State University of New York

Session Chairs

Marceline Bonvalot
Kevin Musselman

In this Session