Dec 4, 2024
9:45am - 10:00am
Sheraton, Second Floor, Republic A
Helena Silva1,Hanyu Jiang1,ABM Hasan Talukder2,Md Tashfiq Bin Kashem3,Md Samzid Bin Hafiz1,Raihan Sayeed Khan2,Faruk Dirisaglik4,Ali Gokirmak1
University of Connecticut1,Intel Corporation2,Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology3,Eskisehir Osmangazi University4
Helena Silva1,Hanyu Jiang1,ABM Hasan Talukder2,Md Tashfiq Bin Kashem3,Md Samzid Bin Hafiz1,Raihan Sayeed Khan2,Faruk Dirisaglik4,Ali Gokirmak1
University of Connecticut1,Intel Corporation2,Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology3,Eskisehir Osmangazi University4
Electronic transport in amorphous chalcogenides, such as amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), has significant importance for scaling and multi-bit-per-cell implementations of phase change memory (PCM) cells. When the PCM cells are reset, a small volume of a phase change material, such as GST, thermally switches from its crystalline phase (low-resistance state) to its amorphous phase (high-resistance state). The resistance in the high-resistance state spontaneously increases in time, following a power-law trend, known as resistance drift. The cells also show a significant fluctuation in their read-current in the high-resistance state. Both resistance drift and electronic transport in the high-resistance state are poorly understood and are a topic of active research. A substantial effort has been put into understanding the amorphous phase change materials to understand the contribution of the defects in the bulk material.
In our experimental studies, we reset GST line cells with width x length x thickness of ~ 100 nm x ~ 500 nm x ~ 20 nm, in the 80 K – 350 K temperature range and performed slow high-voltage sweeps. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of these cells show an initial hysteresis behavior, with a clear hyperbolic sine I-V response in the low-field regime (<20 MV/m) and a much stronger exponential response in the high-field regime (>20 MV/m). Our experiments on cells wider than 100 nm show that the hysteresis behavior disappears in 1-2 sweeps and the resistance drift stops in the 80 K – 250 K range. The cells in the 60 nm – 100 nm regime tend to amorphized shorter segments (~ 100 nm) and can be stabilized with voltage stresses at room temperature (300 K).
In our studies, we construct a low-field and high-field transport model that explains transport in the amorphous phase and a charge-relaxation-based model that describes the acceleration and stoppage of resistance drift [1-3]. In this study, we analyze the cells stabilized at room temperature and show the same low-field and high-field characteristics at lower voltages to extend the research and prove the validity of our models.
1. R. S. Khan, F. Dirisaglik, A. Gokirmak, & H. Silva, Resistance drift in Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change memory line cells at low temperatures and its response to photoexcitation. Appl Phys Lett 116, 253501 (2020).
2. R.S. Khan, A.H. Talukder, F. Dirisaglik, H. Silva, and A. Gokirmak, “Accelerating and Stopping Resistance Drift in Phase Change Memory Cells via High Electric Field Stress,” ArXiv:2002.12487, (2020).
3. A. Talukder, M. Kashem, M. Hafiz, R. Khan, F. Dirisaglik, H. Silva, and A. Gokirmak, “Electronic transport in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change memory line cells and its response to photoexcitation,” Appl Phys Lett 124(26), (2024).