Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Sumit Goswami1,Kinjal Barua2,Arya Keni2,Pralay Paul1,Sreehari Puthan Purayil1,Dhiman Biswas1,Casey Kerr1,Benjamin Summers1,Horst Hahn1,3,Hanjong Paik1,Alisa Javadi1,Hadiseh Alaeian2,T. Venky Venkatesan1,4
The University of Oklahoma1,Purdue University2,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3,National Institute of Standards and Technology4
Sumit Goswami1,Kinjal Barua2,Arya Keni2,Pralay Paul1,Sreehari Puthan Purayil1,Dhiman Biswas1,Casey Kerr1,Benjamin Summers1,Horst Hahn1,3,Hanjong Paik1,Alisa Javadi1,Hadiseh Alaeian2,T. Venky Venkatesan1,4
The University of Oklahoma1,Purdue University2,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3,National Institute of Standards and Technology4
Recently, there has been a massive surge in interest amongst the scientific community regarding Cu
2O as a solid-state host for Rydberg excitons after it was observed that a naturally grown Cu
2O single crystal can host Rydberg excitons up to quantum numbers as high as n=25 [1]. Though the existence of Rydberg states in Cu
2O has been long known [2], it is this discovery of higher-level Rydberg excitons that made the field of solid-state Rydberg physics increasingly more interesting with the prospect of realizing similar kind of exciting quantum phenomenon as observed in their atomic counterparts [3], but now in a more technologically accessible solid-state environment. However, most of the available reports on Rydberg excitons of Cu
2O have focused on single crystals, either grown naturally or synthetically [1,4]. But for device fabrication, thin films and possible heterostructures are needed. Thin-film Cu
2O samples with thicknesses less than the blockade radius are especially appealing because they make the Rydberg blockade utilizable for nonlinear behavior in semiconductors [5].
In this work, we have grown epitaxial Cu
2O films on MgO (110) and (100) substrates using metallic copper (purity: 99.99%) as a target using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique and observed full width half maxima (FWHM) of the XRD rocking curve as low as 0.3° for the films. Here we will present the low temperature (4 K) high-resolution absorption spectroscopy data for Cu
2O films elucidating the nature of higher Rydberg excitons. We will also demonstrate the effect of thickness, the degree of crystallinity (ranging from single crystalline to polycrystalline) of Cu
2O on the optical properties of the Rydberg excitons. In this manner, we demonstrate an oxide semiconductor as a CMOS-compatible and integrable platform, which can lead to quantum optical computing in the Rydberg regime [6].
1.Kazimierczuk, T., Fröhlich, D., Scheel, S. et al. Giant Rydberg excitons in the copper oxide Cu
2O. Nature
514, 343–347 (2014).
2.Gross, E. F. Optical spectrum of excitons in the crystal lattice. Nuovo Cimento Suppl.
3, 672–701 (1956).
3.C S Adams
et. al Rydberg atom quantum technologies. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
53 012002 (2020).
4.Lynch, Stephen A., et al. "Rydberg excitons in synthetic cuprous oxide Cu 2 O." Physical Review Materials 5.8 (2021): 084602.
5.DeLange, J., Barua, K., Paul, A.S. et al. Highly-excited Rydberg excitons in synthetic thin-film cuprous oxide. Sci Rep 13, 16881 (2023).
6.Wu, X. L. et al. A concise review of Rydberg atom-based quantum computation and quantum simulation.
Chin. Phys. B 30, 020305 (2021).