December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

High Absorptivity Nanotextured Powders for Additive Manufacturing

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
10:45am - 11:00am
Sheraton, Second Floor, Constitution A



Ottman Tertuliano1,Philip Depond2,Andrew Lee2,Jiho Hong2,David Doan2,Luc Capaldi1,Mark Brongersma2,Wendy Gu2,Manyalibo Matthews3,Wei Cai2,Adrian Lew2

University of Pennsylvania1,Stanford University2,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory3


Ottman Tertuliano1,Philip Depond2,Andrew Lee2,Jiho Hong2,David Doan2,Luc Capaldi1,Mark Brongersma2,Wendy Gu2,Manyalibo Matthews3,Wei Cai2,Adrian Lew2

University of Pennsylvania1,Stanford University2,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory3
The widespread application of metal additive manufacturing (AM) is limited by the ability to control the complex interactions between the energy source and the feedstock material. Here we develop a generalizable process to introduce nanoscale grooves to the surface of metal powders which increases the powder absorptivity by up to 70\% during laser powder bed fusion. Absorptivity enhancements in copper, copper-silver, and tungsten enables energy efficient manufacturing, with printing of pure copper at relative densities up to 92\% using laser energy densities as low as 82 J/mm$^3$. Simulations show the enhanced powder absorptivity results from plasmon-enabled light concentration in nanoscale grooves combined with multiple scattering events. The approach taken here demonstrates a general method to enhance the absorptivity and printability of reflective and refractory metal powders by changing the surface morphology of the feedstock without altering its composition.


additive manufacturing

Symposium Organizers

Grace Gu, University of California, Berkeley
Yu Jun Tan, National University of Singapore
Ryan Truby, Northwestern University
Daryl Yee, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Session Chairs

Yu Jun Tan
Ryan Truby

In this Session