December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

A Study on Bio-Inspired Synergistic Effect Through DNA Incorporation in 2D Perovskites for Next-Generation RRAM Devices

When and Where

Dec 6, 2024
9:30am - 9:45am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 102



Abhinav Gorthy1,Kavya Keremane2,Ramesh Srinivasan1,Luyao Zheng2,Neela Yennawar2,Bed Poudel2,Rashmi Jha1

University of Cincinnati1,The Pennsylvania State University2


Abhinav Gorthy1,Kavya Keremane2,Ramesh Srinivasan1,Luyao Zheng2,Neela Yennawar2,Bed Poudel2,Rashmi Jha1

University of Cincinnati1,The Pennsylvania State University2
The escalating demand for enhanced storage density in the realm of Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) necessitates innovative solutions. Among various innovations and ideas, the Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) stands out due to its exceptional ability to store high-density data in a compact area [1]. RRAMs are known for their low power consumption, easy fabrication process, and excellent scalability. Typically, RRAMs are fabricated with a Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structure, where binary states (0 and 1) are distinguished by varying resistance levels when an electric field is applied between the two metal layers. Most RRAM devices use a metal oxide insulator layer, which forms conductive filaments through the generation of oxygen vacancies [2] [3]. However, many researchers have demonstrated that bio and organic materials can also form conductive films. These materials are environmentally friendly and offer several advantages over metal oxides, including abundant availability, structural manipulability, and improved sustainability and recyclability. Incorporating eco-friendly materials has already gained attention in solar cells, particularly those using organic-inorganic halide perovskites (OHPs) due to their photovoltaic properties [4]. While some researchers have used OHPs as a functional layer in RRAMs, these materials often suffer from stability issues and are sensitive to temperature, humidity, moisture, and light. Our research focuses on chemically stabilizing OHPs by incorporating a polymer such as Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The hydrophilic nature of DNA due to the presence of phosphate groups in its backbone interact with perovskite via the cations and form strong electrostatic bonds, enhancing stability. Our experiments have shown that this idea resulted in reliable resistive switching and improved overall stability. We will report characteristics of various RRAM devices with various DNA incorporated into OHP matrix. This work highlights the potential of green electronics in advancing emerging memory technologies.

1. F. Zahoor, T. Z. Azni Zulkifli, F. A. Khanday, Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM): an Overview of Materials, Switching Mechanism, Performance, Multilevel Cell (mlc) Storage, Modeling, and Applications. Nanoscale Res Lett. 15 (2020), , doi:10.1186/s11671-020-03299-9.
2. H. S. P. Wong, H. Y. Lee, S. Yu, Y. S. Chen, Y. Wu, P. S. Chen, B. Lee, F. T. Chen, M. J. Tsai, in Proceedings of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2012), vol. 100, pp. 1951–1970.
3. B. Long, Y. Li, R. Jha, IEEE Electron Device Letters. 33, 706–708 (2012).
4. Y. Hou, K. Wang, D. Yang, Y. Jiang, N. Yennawar, K. Wang, M. Sanghadasa, C. Wu, S. Priya, ACS Energy Lett. 4, 2646–2655 (2019).


DNA | perovskites | Pt

Symposium Organizers

Anita Ho-Baillie, The University of Sydney
Marina Leite, University of California, Davis
Nakita Noel, University of Oxford
Laura Schelhas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Symposium Support

APL Materials

Session Chairs

Nakita Noel
Shaun Tan

In this Session