December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Superconducting Phase Diagram of Multi-Layer Square-Planar Nickelates

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Riverway



Grace Pan1,2,Dan Ferenc Segedin1,Sophia TenHuisen1,Lopa Bhatt3,Harrison LaBollita4,Abigail Jiang1,Qi Song3,1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Mark Dean5,Lena Kourkoutis3,Charles Brooks1,Matteo Mitrano1,Antia Botana4,Berit Goodge6,Julia Mundy1

Harvard University1,University of California, Berkeley2,Cornell University3,Arizona State University4,Brookhaven National Laboratory5,Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids6


Grace Pan1,2,Dan Ferenc Segedin1,Sophia TenHuisen1,Lopa Bhatt3,Harrison LaBollita4,Abigail Jiang1,Qi Song3,1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Mark Dean5,Lena Kourkoutis3,Charles Brooks1,Matteo Mitrano1,Antia Botana4,Berit Goodge6,Julia Mundy1

Harvard University1,University of California, Berkeley2,Cornell University3,Arizona State University4,Brookhaven National Laboratory5,Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids6
The discovery of superconductivity in square-planar nickelates has offered a rich materials platform to explore the origins of cuprate-like superconductivity. Experimental investigations however have largely been limited to within the infinite-layer RNiO2 nickelates. Here, we construct a phase diagram of the multi-layer square-planar Ndn+1NinO2n+2 compounds and discover signatures of a superconducting dome for n = 4 – 8. Upon decreasing the dimensionality n, the superconducting anisotropy evolves due to 4f electron effects, and electronic structure characteristics approach cuprate-like behavior. Magnetic fluctuations persist from within the superconducting dome and into the over-doped, non-superconducting compound. Our work establishes this layered structural template, complementary to chemical doping, for creating new nickel-based superconductors. We indicate underlying commonalities and distinct differences across varying structural realizations of square-planar nickelates.

This work was supported primarily by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, under Award No. DE-SC0021925. S.F.R.T., M.P.M.D., and M.M. were supported by the US DOE under Award No. DE-SC0012704.


molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) | quantum materials

Symposium Organizers

Annabelle Bohrdt, Universität Regensburg
Paola Cappellaro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Avetik Harutyunyan, Honda Research Institute USA Inc
Yao Wang, Emory University

Symposium Support

Honda Research Institute USA Inc.

Session Chairs

Annabelle Bohrdt
Yu He

In this Session