December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Probing Thermal Decomposition of Energetic Materials with Fast Imaging Techniques

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Mason Freund1,Mehedi Hassan Dipu1,Volkan Ortalan1

University of Connecticut1


Mason Freund1,Mehedi Hassan Dipu1,Volkan Ortalan1

University of Connecticut1
Probing ultrafast dynamics provides fundamental information into the mechanisms that drive the evolution of materials. Numerous methods using various probes to capture the dynamic processes at different scales have been developed for various applications and material systems [1–4]. Energetic materials are known to release large amounts of heat via rapid exothermic chemical reactions [5]. Therefore, the observation of the short-lived transient states and the evolution of the complex processes in energetic materials requires fast in-situ characterization techniques with relevant temporal and spatial resolutions for the investigated dynamic process. Due to their ability to quickly release stored energy, energetic materials are utilized for propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics applications. The response of these materials upon excitation has been heavily studied to understand the initiation mechanisms [1–3,6]. Experimental and numerical methods have been performed to better control and improve performance and efficiency as well as to gain an understanding of the mechanisms driving the reactions. The ability to observe rapid reactions occurring in energetic materials can provide valuable insights into the initiation and heat dissipation mechanisms. In this presentation, time resolved investigation of laser-initiated decomposition of selected energetic materials with fast probing techniques will be discussed.<br/><br/>[1] Y. Yang, Z. Sun, S. Wang, D.D. Dlott, Fast Spectroscopy of Laser-Initiated Nanoenergetic Materials, J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 4485–4493.<br/>[2] L. Dresselhaus-Cooper, J.E. Gorfain, C.T. Key, B.K. Ofori-Okai, S.J. Ali, D.J. Martynowych, A. Gleason, S. Kooi, K.A. Nelson, Single-Shot Multi-Frame Imaging of Cylindrical Shock Waves in a Multi-Layered Assembly, Sci Rep 9 (2019) 3689.<br/>[3] J.E. Patterson, Z.A. Dreger, Y.M. Gupta, Shock Wave-Induced Phase Transition in RDX Single Crystals, J. Phys. Chem. B 111 (2007) 10897–10904.<br/>[4] H.S. Park, O.-H. Kwon, J.S. Baskin, B. Barwick, A.H. Zewail, Direct observation of martensitic phase-transformation dynamics in iron by 4D single-pulse electron microscopy, Nano Lett 9 (2009) 3954–3962.<br/>[5] D.M. Badgujar, M.B. Talawar, S.N. Asthana, P.P. Mahulikar, Advances in science and technology of modern energetic materials: an overview, J Hazard Mater 151 (2008) 289–305.<br/>[6] J.O. Mares, J.K. Miller, N.D. Sharp, D.S. Moore, D.E. Adams, L.J. Groven, J.F. Rhoads, S.F. Son, Thermal and mechanical response of PBX 9501 under contact excitation, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 084904.


in situ | reactivity

Symposium Organizers

Omar F. Mohammed, KAUST
Libai Huang, Purdue University
Volkan Ortalan, University of Connecticut
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang, University of Houston

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Omar F. Mohammed
Libai Huang
Volkan Ortalan
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang

In this Session