Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Esraa Mohamed Farag1,Nageh Allam1
The American University in Cairo1
Esraa Mohamed Farag1,Nageh Allam1
The American University in Cairo1
Microbial biofilms are a major concern in industrial fouling, corrosion, and hygiene. In this study, we propose an electrochemical approach to effectively control microbial biofilm accumulation on marine infrastructures, specifically in seawater environments. Our method aims to prevent biofouling while avoiding the generation of toxic substances. To enhance the efficiency and versatility of the process, we introduce a novel carbon nanomaterial as the electrode material.
Marine bacteria were subjected to electrochemical treatment using conductive paint and a carbon nanomaterial-based electrode. By applying a potential of 1.2 V, the electrochemical treatment successfully killed the bacteria, significantly reducing biofilm formation. Subsequently, a potential of 0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl was applied for 30 minutes, resulting in the desorption of the majority of bacterial cells from the electrode surface.
To proactively prevent bacterial cell accumulation and biofilm formation, we propose the application of alternating potentials. Applying an alternating potential of 1.2 V and -0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl effectively controlled bacterial cell accumulation on the electrode. Importantly, this electrochemical control method does not generate chlorine or alter the pH of the surrounding seawater.
The applicability of this electrochemical control approach extends beyond seawater environments and can be successfully implemented in freshwater systems as well. Furthermore, the promising potential of this disinfection system extends to diverse applications, including its use in food and medical processes. Additionally, we explore the utilization of the proposed carbon nanomaterial-based electrode in battery technologies, highlighting its multifunctional properties.
This research contributes significant insights into the development of innovative strategies for combating biofouling and corrosion in marine infrastructures. The incorporation of a carbon nanomaterial as the electrode material enhances the electrochemical performance and efficiency of the control process. This nanomaterial exhibits exceptional electrochemical properties, facilitating improved bacterial cell killing and biofilm prevention.