December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Light-Directed DNA-Programmable Assembly of 3D Superlattices on Surfaces

When and Where

Dec 6, 2024
10:30am - 10:45am
Hynes, Level 2, Room 201



Changan Li1,Feiyue Teng2,Oleg Gang1,2

Columbia University1,Brookhaven National Laboratory2


Changan Li1,Feiyue Teng2,Oleg Gang1,2

Columbia University1,Brookhaven National Laboratory2
Functional nanomaterials hold significant potential due to their unique properties, impacting fields such as biosensing, optical metamaterials, and many advanced manufacturing applications. However, creating a broadly applicable fabrication platform to harness these properties in functional devices remains challenging. Herein, we present a scalable method for nanomaterial fabrication, establishing a reliable foundation for constructing complex, reconfigurable nano- to macro-scale architectures on solid supports. By integrating DNA self-assembly with light-directed DNA lithography, we engineer patterned substrates with site-specific precision, thus controlling the spatial placement and alignment of self-assembled 3D nanomaterials.
Our approach utilizes light-directed covalent surface patterning of unmodified DNA to nucleate site-specifically and promote the growth of self-assembling structures. In contrast to conventional photo-crossing linking methods relying on pre-labeled docking strands and biotin-streptavidin binding, our approach eliminates the need for docking DNA strands and chemical modification of complementary strands. By introducing a photoreactive moiety via a heterobifunctional crosslinking reagent, we immobilize DNA through a photochemical reaction in designated surface location over macroscale areas, thus, enabling site-specific programmable assembly of nanomaterial components. The method is promising for developing photonic and electronic devices, and spatially-controlled catalytic surfaces.


DNA | self-assembly | surface chemistry

Symposium Organizers

Qian Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sijie Chen, Karolinska Institutet
Bin Liu, National University of Singapore
Xin Zhang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Symposium Support

ZepTools Technology Co., Ltd.

Session Chairs

Changan Li

In this Session