December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Organic Radicals as Potential Molecular Qubits

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Arnold Arboretum



Nuria Crivillers2,Dennis Schäfter1,Jonathan Wischnat1,Lorenzo Tesi1,Jesus Alejandro De Sousa2,Marta Mas-Torrent2,Jaume Veciana2,Floriana Tuna3,Joris van Slageren1

Universität Stuttgart1,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona2,The University of Manchester3


Nuria Crivillers2,Dennis Schäfter1,Jonathan Wischnat1,Lorenzo Tesi1,Jesus Alejandro De Sousa2,Marta Mas-Torrent2,Jaume Veciana2,Floriana Tuna3,Joris van Slageren1

Universität Stuttgart1,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona2,The University of Manchester3
The progress in the molecular electronics field can be attributed to several factors that have enabled precise manipulation of molecular structures. The development of new synthetic protocols has expanded the range of functional molecules available, while improved characterization tools have enhanced our understanding of electronic properties at the nanoscale. The robust functionalization of surfaces with functional molecules is a key factor to progress towards device integration. In this context, our group has wide expertise in the synthesis of persistent organic radicals (open-shell) based materials and on the preparation of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) based on these radicals. We particularly work with trityl radicals, specially the perchlorotriphenyl methyl (PTM). PTM radicals show inherent magnetic moment, they possess a rich electrochemistry, they are luminescent and chiral. Very recently we have demonstrated that PTM radicals possess extraordinarily long coherence times.1 Their synthetic tailorability enables preparing diradical systems that can be used for implementing two-qubit gates. But, long coherence times themselves are not sufficient for the fabrication of viable quantum devices, it requires the integration of MQBs into electronic device structures. In the presentation we will discuss different strategies for immobilization of these molecules on surfaces.

1. Schäfter, D.; Wischnat, J.; Tesi, L.; Sousa, J. A. de; Little, E.; McGuire, J.; Mas-Torrent, M.; Rovira, C.; Veciana, J.; Tuna, F.; Crivillers, N.; van Slageren, J. Molecular One- and Two-Qubit Systems with Very Long Coherence Times. Adv Mater 2023, 35 (38), 2302114. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202302114.



Symposium Organizers

Danna Freedman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anke Krueger, University of Stuttgart
Alexander Kuehne, Ulm University
Fernando Luis, Universidad de Zaragoza

Symposium Support

Keysight Technologies

Session Chairs

Floriana Tuna
Joris van Slageren

In this Session