Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Lucy Nathwani1,Anne Ruperto1,Grace Pan1,Abigail Jiang1,Dan Ferenc Segedin1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Charles Brooks1,Julia Mundy1
Harvard University1
Lucy Nathwani1,Anne Ruperto1,Grace Pan1,Abigail Jiang1,Dan Ferenc Segedin1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Charles Brooks1,Julia Mundy1
Harvard University1
3 has attracted attention for its concomitant, thermally-driven metal-insulator and magnetic ordering transitions. This metal-insulator transition is particularly interesting in thin film form, as it can be tuned using epitaxial strain and rare-earth doping [1]. Understanding the thermal conductivity in these NdNiO
3 films is necessary before using them in devices or exploring their applications in electronics like thermal transistors or switches. This fundamental understanding of heat transport can illuminate both electron and phonon behavior in these films. Here, we synthesize NdNiO
3 films using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to create high-quality thin films. We then use frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR) measurements to non-destructively determine the thermal conductivity of NdNiO
3 films across the metal-insulator transition [2]. Using FDTR, we observe the low-temperature (~100K) metal-insulator phase transition of NdNiO
3 and its hysteresis by measuring thermal conductivity as a function of temperature. We analyze our thermal conductivity data in connection with previous research into the electronic properties of NdNiO
[1] Zhang, J., Kim, H., Mikheev, E. et al. Key role of lattice symmetry in the metal-insulator transition of NdNiO
3 films. Sci Rep 6, 23652 (2016).
[2] Schmidt, A., Cheaito, R., Chiesa, M. A frequency-domain thermoreflectance method for the characterization of thermal properties. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1, 094901 (2009).