December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Nonsymmorphic Symmetry Induced Correlated Topological States in 4D Perovskite Oxide Thin Films

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
10:45am - 11:00am
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, The Fens



Yunkyu Park1,Seounghun Kang1,Jeongkeun Song1,Lin Shan1,Hua Zhou2,Jong Mok Ok3,Mina Yoon1,Satoshi Okamoto1,Ho Nyung Lee1

Oak Ridge National Laboratory1,Argonne National Laboratory2,Pusan National University3


Yunkyu Park1,Seounghun Kang1,Jeongkeun Song1,Lin Shan1,Hua Zhou2,Jong Mok Ok3,Mina Yoon1,Satoshi Okamoto1,Ho Nyung Lee1

Oak Ridge National Laboratory1,Argonne National Laboratory2,Pusan National University3
Quantum materials (QMs) with strong correlation and nontrivial topology are indispensable to next-generation information and computing technologies and microelectronics. Exploiting topological band structure is an ideal starting point to realize correlated topological QMs. Despite its potential, observation of such topological band structure to enable quantum transport in oxide materials remains challenging. Our recent findings indicate that manipulating oxygen octahedral symmetry (OOS) is one of the key approaches in creating topological band structures near the Fermi level. In this work, we synthesize 4d niobate thin films (e.g., SrNbO3 and CaNbO3) and manipulate crystal symmetry by epitaxial strain to induce the nonsymmorphic crystal symmetry, yielding the topological band structure and related physical properties. The 4d niobate thin films exhibited extremely high electron mobility and non-saturated extreme magnetoresistance due to the linear band dispersion near the Fermi level. Moreover, quantum oscillation from the magnetotransport measurements and the corresponding Landau-Fan diagram confirm a non-zero Berry phase. Therefore, the deliberate control of the octahedral symmetry provides a novel mechanism to host topological band structures in the strongly correlated oxide systems, which is an important step toward developing correlated topological quantum materials.


epitaxy | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Paolo Bondavalli, Thales Research and Technology
Nadya Mason, The University of Chicago
Marco Minissale, CNRS
Pierre Seneor, Unité Mixte de Physique & Univ. Paris-Saclay

Session Chairs

Nadya Mason
Pierre Seneor

In this Session