Dec 2, 2024
2:30pm - 2:45pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Riverway
Abigail Jiang1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Grace Pan1,Suk Hyun Sung1,Jarad Mason1,Charles Brooks1,Julia Mundy1
Harvard University1
Abigail Jiang1,Ari Turkiewicz1,Grace Pan1,Suk Hyun Sung1,Jarad Mason1,Charles Brooks1,Julia Mundy1
Harvard University1
Recent observations of rare-earth nickelate superconductivity have established the Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) R
(3n+1) and reduced square-planar R
(2n+2) series as important comparisons to the high-T
c cuprates. To date, ambient pressure superconductivity has only been realized in epitaxial nickelate thin films, prompting ongoing inquiry into the role of epitaxy-imparted strain, dimensionality, and interfacial physics in nickelate electronic properties. Here, we synthesize a variety of RP nickelates via reactive oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) with chemical doping and tunable strain states. We also demonstrate new soft-chemical reduction methods to modify the anion sublattice. Through transport measurements and electron microscopy, we investigate emergent electronic phases and corresponding local microstructures particularly at the nickelate and SrTiO
3 substrate interface, and discuss potential implications towards engineering superconductivity in higher-dimensional RP and square-planar systems.
This project was primarily supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, under Award No. DE-SC0021925.