December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Halide Double Perovskites with a Spin—Identifying Semiconductors with Spin-Polarized Band Structures

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
9:00am - 9:30am
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Jamaica Pond



Linn Leppert1,Luc Walterbos1,Kostas Fykouras1,Huygen Jöbsis2,Eline Hutter2

University of Twente1,University of Utrecht2


Linn Leppert1,Luc Walterbos1,Kostas Fykouras1,Huygen Jöbsis2,Eline Hutter2

University of Twente1,University of Utrecht2
Enhancing the performance of photoconversion devices necessitates slowing down the recombination rate of electrons and holes in semiconductors, to facilitate their diffusion to charge-extraction interfaces. Semiconductors with advantageous light absorption properties and slow charge-carrier recombination could be obtained in semiconductors with suitably aligned spin-polarized band structures. Halide double perovskites with the chemical formula A2BB’X6 offer significant chemical flexibility [1, 2], enabling the substitution of the B and B’ sites with various combinations of similarly sized open-shell cations. This potentially results in spin-polarized band structures and robust exchange interactions, making double perovskites an interesting platform for controlling charge-carrier recombination via spin.

Our recent research demonstrates that Fe-based double perovskites exhibit low bandgaps and significant spin polarization and can be efficiently synthesized via mechanochemical synthesis [3]. However, while the incorporation of Fe3+ leads to a spin-forbidden recombination pathway, it also compromises electron mobility. Here, I will present a systematic high-throughput computational approach for exploring the opto-spintronic properties of halide double perovskites with robust opto-spintronic properties.

I will present our workflow for establishing a comprehensive database of double perovskites, including computationally determined structural parameters, energetically favorable spin states, and spin-polarized density of states, calculated using first-principles density functional theory with the HSE06 hybrid functional. Expanding on previous work [4], we included 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metals, as well as actinides and lanthanides in our high-throughput workflow, resulting in approximately 12,000 compounds predicted to crystallize in the perovskite structure. Additionally, I will discuss how machine-learning aided characterization of this dataset enables us to identify predictors of favorable opto-spintronic properties, paving the way for the rational design of spin-regulated semiconductors with enhanced photoconversion performance.

[1] Wolf, N. R., Connor, B. A., Slavney, A. H. & Karunadasa, H. I. Doubling the Stakes: The Promise of Halide Double Perovskites. Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 16264–16278 (2021).
[2] Biega, R.-I., Chen, Y., Filip, M. R. & Leppert, L. Chemical Mapping of Excitons in Halide Double Perovskites. Nano Lett. 23, 8155–8161 (2023).
[3] Jöbsis, H. J., Fykouras, K., Reinders, J.W.C., van Katwijk, J., Dorresteijn, J.M., Arens, T., Vollmer, I., Muscarella, L.A., Leppert, L. & Hutter, E.M. Conduction Band Tuning by Controlled Alloying of Fe into Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite Powders. Advanced Functional Materials, 2306106 (2023).
[4] Singh, U., Klarbring, J., Abrikosov, I. A. & Simak, S. I. Exploring magnetism of lead-free halide double perovskites: A high-throughput first-principles study. Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 114404 (2023).


absorption | magnetic properties | perovskites

Symposium Organizers

Volker Blum, Duke University
Sascha Feldmann, Harvard University
Paulina Plochocka, CNRS
Tze Chien Sum, Nanyang Technological University

Symposium Support

Light Conversion
FHI-aims - First-Principles Materials Simulations
Quantum Design

Session Chairs

Rayan Chakraborty
Haipeng Lu

In this Session