December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

A General and Modular Approach for Solid-State Integration and Readout of Zero-Dimensional Quantum Systems and Molecular Qubits

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Arnold Arboretum



Zoe Phillips1,Marzieh Kavand1,William Koll1,Morgan Hamilton1,Ethel Perez-Hoyos1,Rianna Greer2,Ferdous Ara1,Dan Pharis1,Mingyu Xu3,4,Mehdi Maleki Sanukesh5,Takashi Taniguchi6,Paul Canfield3,4,Michael Flatte5,Danna Freedman2,Jay Gupta1,Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin1

The Ohio State University1,Massachusetts Institute of Technology2,Ames Laboratory3,Iowa State University4,The University of Iowa5,International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectronics6


Zoe Phillips1,Marzieh Kavand1,William Koll1,Morgan Hamilton1,Ethel Perez-Hoyos1,Rianna Greer2,Ferdous Ara1,Dan Pharis1,Mingyu Xu3,4,Mehdi Maleki Sanukesh5,Takashi Taniguchi6,Paul Canfield3,4,Michael Flatte5,Danna Freedman2,Jay Gupta1,Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin1

The Ohio State University1,Massachusetts Institute of Technology2,Ames Laboratory3,Iowa State University4,The University of Iowa5,International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectronics6
Electronic spectroscopy of zero-dimensional (0D) quantum systems, including point defects in solids, atomic states, and small molecules, is a critical tool for developing a fundamental understanding of these systems, with applications ranging from solid-state and molecular materials development to emerging technologies rooted in quantum information science. However, scanning-tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) techniques for accessing this regime are powerful but not scalable, while device-based approaches that rely on embedding these systems within a solid-state tunnel junction are not generally applicable, requiring bespoke solutions for integrating each 0D system with a given host and excluding large classes of candidate quantum systems. Here, we present the demonstration of an all-electrical readout mechanism for these quasi-0D states that is modular and general, dramatically expanding the phase space of accessible quantum systems and providing an approach that is amenable to scaling and integration with other solid-state quantum technologies. Our approach relies on the creation of high-quality tunnel junctions via the mechanical exfoliation and stacking of multi-layer graphene (MLG) and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) to encapsulate the target quantum system (QS) in a MLG/hBN/QS/hBN/MLG heterostructure. This structure allows for electronic spectroscopy and readout of candidate quantum systems through a combination of Coulomb and spin-blockade, providing access to entire classes of quantum system that have previously only been accessible via optical spectroscopy or magnetic resonance measurements of large ensembles, if at all. As a demonstration of this approach, we report tunneling spectroscopy of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc), a spin ½ molecular qubit that has demonstrated long coherence times and is compatible with standard evaporation techniques. Electronic spectroscopy of the MLG/hBN/VOPc/hBN/MLG heterostructure reveals resonances that quantitatively agree with tunneling spectroscopy obtained via STS of HOPG/hBN/VOPc half-devices.

*This work is supported by NSF QII-TAQS award OMA-1936219 and MPS-1936219, NSF NRT-QISE award DGE-2244045, and NSF MRSEC award DMR-2011876.


electronic structure

Symposium Organizers

Danna Freedman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anke Krueger, University of Stuttgart
Alexander Kuehne, Ulm University
Fernando Luis, Universidad de Zaragoza

Symposium Support

Keysight Technologies

Session Chairs

Daniel Laorenza
Roberta Sessoli

In this Session