December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Design of an Aprotic Solid-State Zn-Ion Battery

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Benjamin Leifer1,Yogeshwaran Agilan1,Joshua Gallaway1

Northeastern University1


Benjamin Leifer1,Yogeshwaran Agilan1,Joshua Gallaway1

Northeastern University1
In this work we demonstrate the design of a solid-state Zn-ion battery with an aprotic solid electrolyte. The solid electrolyte is based on PVDF gelled with carbonate, similar to a solid-state Li-ion electrolyte recently reported by Khudiyev, et al.1 This electrolyte is thermally drawable at 200 C and appropriate for use in a solid-state fiber battery. Zn-ion batteries could be an attractive alternative to Li-ion in some applications. Zn has good domestic sourcing and is more atmospherically stable than Li. Its cost is $2.99/kg as opposed to over $14/kg for Li metal. For the application of fiber batteries, Zn would allow the use of a metal wire anode, which would not be possible with Li.

The Zn-ion electrolyte had maximum room temperature conductivity of 1.8 mS/cm when using 0.5 M ZnTFSI. Electrolytes using Zn triflate had lower conductivity and were only semi-translucent due to incomplete dissolution of the salt. A Zn|Zn symmetric cell showed stable cycling over 500 hours, and we calculated a Zn-ion transference number of 0.41. In designing a full cell, several cathode active materials were assessed with varying success. Three different polymorphs of MnO2 showed specific capacities far below theoretical. Of these, ��-MnO2 had the highest capacity; ��-MnO2 had a lower capacity; and ��-MnO2 had virtually no reversible capacity. In contrast, Mo6S8 Chevrel achieved the theoretical capacity of 128.8 mAh/g that corresponded to the intercalation end member Zn2Mo6S8.2 However, Chevrel can only achieve full capacity at an elevated temperature of 50 C. This demonstrates the concept of a rechargeable aprotic solid-state Zn-ion battery. Previous reports of reversible Zn intercalation in ��-MnO2 may be due to intercalation of H+ from residual H2O that could be present if atmospheric control was not robust.


1. Khudiyev, T.; Grena, B.; Loke, G.; Hou, C.; Jang, H.; Lee, J.; Noel, G. H.; Alain, J.; Joannopoulos, J.; Xu, K.; Li, J.; Fink, Y.; Lee, J. T. "Thermally Drawn Rechargeable Battery Fiber Enables Pervasive Power," Mater. Today, 2022, 52, 80–89.

2. Jadhav, A.L.; Juran, T.R.; Kim, M.A.; Bruck, A.M.; Hawkins, B.E.; Gallaway, J.W.; Smeu, M.; Messinger, R.J. "Reversible Electrochemical Anionic Redox in Rechargeable Multivalent-Ion Batteries," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 15816−15826.

Symposium Organizers

Kelsey Hatzell, Vanderbilt University
Ying Shirley Meng, The University of Chicago
Daniel Steingart, Columbia University
Kang Xu, SES AI Corp

Session Chairs

Kelsey Hatzell
Daniel Steingart

In this Session