December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

NV(-) Centers in Diamond as Qubits for Local Sensing of Rotational and Translational Mobilities of Active Proteins

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Arnold Arboretum



Anke Krueger1,Anja Sadzak1,Ivan Perez2,Fedor Jelezko3,Joerg Wrachtrup1,Michael Boersch2

Universität Stuttgart1,Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena2,Universität Ulm3


Anke Krueger1,Anja Sadzak1,Ivan Perez2,Fedor Jelezko3,Joerg Wrachtrup1,Michael Boersch2

Universität Stuttgart1,Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena2,Universität Ulm3
Nitrogen- vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds (10 to 100 nm diameter, FND) can be applied in biotechnology as single fluorescent quantum sensors. They react sensitively to changes in their environment, such as magnetic fields, temperature, or the presence of radical species. The extraordinary photo-physical properties such as very high photo-stability and non-blinking behavior allow for optical detection of magnetic resonance due to the NV triplet spin states. For a targeted interaction, the surface of nanodiamonds can be tailored e.g for specific binding to biological entities and can be modified to prevent non-specific interactions.[1,2] Here we want to exploit the single-spin properties of the luminescent NV-center in diamonds to reveal the dynamics of an active biological protein complex (FoF1-ATP synthase) at physiological conditions with highest spatio-temporal resolution. Enzyme dynamics include (A) ATP-driven subunit rotation and (B) reversible elastic deformation.<br/>In order to specifically bind the respective protein, the surface of the FNDs needs to be modified. We have explored different linker strategies including the grafting of aryl moieties with clickable terminal groups, the use of oligo ethylenglycol spacers with different terminal groups and the binding via biotin/streptavidin. Here we will report on the effect of different linker architectures on the colloidal properties under physiological conditions, the influence on the ratio of NV(0) vs. NV(-) centers and the brightness of the particles for detection in the ABEL trap.<br/>We will also present the characterization of individual nanodiamonds in solution. Using our confocal anti-Brownian electro-kinetic trap (ABEL trap) microscope we determine molecular brightness, spectral ratio and multi-exponential fluorescence lifetimes, but also diffusion coefficient and surface charge for each nanodiamond.<br/>This research has received funding from the Carl Zeiss Foundation as a QPhoton project.<br/>[1] E. Mayerhoefer, A. Krueger, Acc. Chem. Res. 2022, <i>55</i>, 3594.<br/>[2] A. Sigaeva, V. Merz, R. Sharmin, R. Schirhagl, A. Krueger, <i>J. Mater. Chem C </i><b>2023</b>, <i>11</i>, 6642.


diamond | surface reaction

Symposium Organizers

Danna Freedman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anke Krueger, University of Stuttgart
Alexander Kuehne, Ulm University
Fernando Luis, Universidad de Zaragoza

Symposium Support

Keysight Technologies

Session Chairs

Selvan Demir
Alexander Kuehne

In this Session