December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Observing Phonon Dynamics with Shot-to-Shot Acquisition Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Sheraton, Third Floor, Fairfax A



Bruce Weaver1,2,Remi Claude1,Francesco Barantani1,3,Fadil Iyikanat4,Michele Puppin1,Alexey Sapozhnik1,Ivan Madan1,Thomas Lagrange1,Javier Garcia de Abajo4,Fabrizio Carbone1

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne1,Central Laser Facility2,The University of Texas at Austin3,ICFO–The Institute of Photonic Sciences4


Bruce Weaver1,2,Remi Claude1,Francesco Barantani1,3,Fadil Iyikanat4,Michele Puppin1,Alexey Sapozhnik1,Ivan Madan1,Thomas Lagrange1,Javier Garcia de Abajo4,Fabrizio Carbone1

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne1,Central Laser Facility2,The University of Texas at Austin3,ICFO–The Institute of Photonic Sciences4
Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) uses short-wavelength electrons to reveal structural dynamics triggered by ultrashort laser pulses in materials. Recently, UED has been extended to observe the changes of diffuse scattering [1] brought about by the non-thermal phonon population dynamics, induced by the electron-phonon coupling after electron excitation. Because the diffuse scattering is very weak, very high experimental sensitivity is required.
We present ultrafast electron diffuse scattering achieved by 20 kHz shot-to-shot acquisition in a tabletop UED system [2]. The shot-to-shot acquisition system is synchronized to a chopper in the pump arm, allowing every individual measurement to be normalized to a reference under identical conditions. This leads to excellent signal-to-noise, enabling the measurement of the transient modification of diffuse scattering.
We apply this technique to study of phonon dynamics in graphite. Ultrafast time and momentum-resolved electron energy loss (tr-q-EELS) measurements [3] measured the same system but with access to energy information as well momentum. tr-q-EELS revealed plasmon dynamics in graphite, which theoretical analysis linked to the population of phonons modes via inter- and intravalley scattering that depend on the pump wavelength. We use UED to investigate this hypothesis by directly by observing the formation of phonons in real time. By comparing the results of the two experiments we can reveal the full picture of the phonon dynamics in graphite.

[1] M. J. Stern et al, Physical Review Letters, 2018.
[2] R. Claude et al, In Preparation.
[3] F. Barantani et al, In Preparation.


electron-phonon interactions

Symposium Organizers

Omar F. Mohammed, KAUST
Libai Huang, Purdue University
Volkan Ortalan, University of Connecticut
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang, University of Houston

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Omar F. Mohammed
Volkan Ortalan
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang

In this Session