Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A
Ming Fu1,Ross Schofield1,Himadri Dhar1,Rick Mukherjee1,Ian Farrer2,Edmund Clark2,Jon Heffernan2,Florian Mintert1,Robert Nyman1,Rupert Oulton1
Imperial College London1,The University of Sheffield2
Ming Fu1,Ross Schofield1,Himadri Dhar1,Rick Mukherjee1,Ian Farrer2,Edmund Clark2,Jon Heffernan2,Florian Mintert1,Robert Nyman1,Rupert Oulton1
Imperial College London1,The University of Sheffield2
The thermalization of light and its ground state condensation has been extensively explored in recent years [1], with the link between laser action and Bose Einstein condensation of a thermalized photon gas in an open microcavity [2, 3] opening new ways to understand laser system. In this talk we report thermalization and condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well weakly coupled to an open microcavity system [4]. This system consists of half a vertical external cavity surface emitting laser, constructed on GaAs with an InGaAs quantum well emitting near 925 nm, with a piezo controlled external spherical dielectric mirror positioned to achieve low cavity mode orders with well-defined transverse modes. We present evidence of cavity photon thermalization and since we have used a single quantum well with minimized absorption, , to match the cavity loss, , we explore the influence of thermalization coefficient, . This level of control allows us to compare our data to recent theory on photon condensation in semiconductor systems [5]. In the condensation regime, we identify a region of ground state mode stability with good thermalization . Meanwhile regions of poor thermalization , and at high operation power, show multi-mode or higher order spatial mode lasing, which is consistent with the theory of dye-based condensates [6, 7]. We also assess the strength of photon-photon interactions and find a normalized interaction parameter, . Since this value increases with quantum well number, this system is promising for the possibility of observing rich interaction physics.
References[1] J. Bloch,
et al, Nature Reviews Physics 4, 470 (2022)
[2] J. Klaers
et al, Nature Physics
6, 512 (2010)
[3] J. Klaers
et al., Nature
468, 545 (2010)
[4] R. C. Schofield
et al., arXiv:2306.15314 (2023)
[5] A. Loirette-Pelous & J-J.Greffet, Laser & Photonics Rev.,
17, 2300366 (2023)
[6] H. Heston
et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.,
120, 040601 (2018)
[7] J.D. Rodrigues,
et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.
126, 150602 (2021)