December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Understanding the Enhanced Activity of Pd/CeO2 in Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Media

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
11:30am - 12:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom B



Mathilde Luneau1,2,Linnéa Strandberg1,2,Gerard Montserrat-Sisó1,2,Victor Shokhen1,2,Henrik Grönbeck1,2,Björn Wickman1,2

Chalmers University of Technology1,Competence Centre for Catalysis at Chalmers2


Mathilde Luneau1,2,Linnéa Strandberg1,2,Gerard Montserrat-Sisó1,2,Victor Shokhen1,2,Henrik Grönbeck1,2,Björn Wickman1,2

Chalmers University of Technology1,Competence Centre for Catalysis at Chalmers2
Palladium supported on ceria (Pd/CeO2) has recently raised strong interest as an alternative catalyst to platinum on the anode electrode in anion exchange membrane fuel cells1,2. The enhanced activity of Pd/CeO2 catalysts for hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) activity in alkaline media has notably been attributed to strong metal-support interactions, but the exact mechanism is still under debate.

In this work, we investigate Pd/CeO2 thin films with well-defined compositions and structures to gain fundamental understanding of the metal-support interface and its influence on HOR activity in alkaline media. We develop a novel approach combining in situ electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (E- QCM), ex situ microscopy and spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations to describe the interface between Pd and CeO2.

Pd/CeO2 leads to expected enhancement of HOR in alkaline media compared to pure Pd. Using E-QCM, we provide new fundamental understanding of the adsorption, absorption, physisorption and desorption phenomena occurring during HOR. We show that on pure Pd thin films, absorption of hydrogen dominates while on Pd/CeO2 the oxidation/reduction of ceria and adsorption of hydroxyl groups are the dominating phenomena3.

One of the hypotheses for enhanced reactivity of Pd/CeO2 in HOR is that CeO2 – at the interface with Pd - serves as a source of OH groups which react with adsorbed H to form water4. With this work, we provide new quantitative evidence that this hypothesis is valid. Strong metal-support interactions are confirmed by TEM, XPS and DFT calculations. An important finding is that Pd atoms embedded in CeO2 are present on the prepared thin films and could be active sites for hydrogen activation.

This work thus provides strong evidence that the interface between Pd and ceria must be carefully designed to provide synergies and to lead to enhanced reactivity in HOR. Finally, this study underlines the importance of model thin films as appropriate tools to study the interface between metal and supports in situ, during electrochemical reactions.

1. K. Singh, E. S. Davydova, J. Douglin, A. O. Godoy, H. Tan, M. Bellini, B. J. Allen, J. Jankovic, H. A. Miller, A. C. Alba-Rubio and D. R. Dekel, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 30, 2002087
2. Bellini, M. V. Pagliaro, A. Lenarda, P. Fornasiero, M. Marelli, C. Evangelisti, M. Innocenti, Q. Jia, S. Mukerjee, J. Jankovic, L. Wang, J. R. Varcoe, C. B. Krishnamurthy, I. Grinberg, E. Davydova, D. R. Dekel, H. A. Miller and F. Vizza, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2019, 2, 4999-5008
3. Luneau, L. Strandberg, G. Montserrat-Siso, V. Shokhen. R. Mohan, H. Gronbeck, B. Wickman. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 16370-16382
4. D. Speck, F. S. M. Ali, M. T. Y. Paul, R. K. Singh, T. Bohm, A. Hofer, O. Kasian, S. Thiele, J. Bachmann, D. R. Dekel, T. Kallio and S. Cherevko, Chem. Mater., 2020, 32, 7716-7724


in situ | thin film

Symposium Organizers

Alexander Giovannitti, Chalmers University of Technology
Joakim Halldin Stenlid, KBR Inc., NASA Ames Research Center
Helena Lundberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Germán Salazar Alvarez, Uppsala University

Session Chairs

Alexander Giovannitti
Joakim Halldin Stenlid
Helena Lundberg
Germán Salazar Alvarez

In this Session