Dec 3, 2024
9:30am - 9:45am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Gardner
Evan Carlson1,2,Xiao Zhao1,2,Angel Burgos1,Tyler Mefford1,Hendrik Ohldag2,William C. Chueh1
Stanford University1,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2
Evan Carlson1,2,Xiao Zhao1,2,Angel Burgos1,Tyler Mefford1,Hendrik Ohldag2,William C. Chueh1
Stanford University1,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2
Rational design of electrochemically active materials requires a better understanding of the structure and chemistry of solid-liquid interfaces. However, the buried nature of these interfaces makes them especially challenging to probe
in-operando with high surface-sensitivity. The use of faceted nanoparticles in practical devices further necessitates the development of
operando techniques that combine high spatial resolution with surface sensitivity and chemical specificity.
In this talk, I will discuss our development of
operando total electron yield scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (TEY-STXM). This new technique combines the 25 nm spatial resolution of
operando STXM
1 with the 3 nm surface-sensitivity of
operando TEY-XAS,
2 enabling simultaneous spectromicroscopy of the surface and bulk of electrochemically active materials under reaction conditions. Beyond the solid,
operando TEY-STXM enables spatially resolved investigation of the electric double layer, including how its structure depends on electrolyte speciation, electrode material and applied voltage. This talk will discuss instrumentation and image contrast mechanism, as well as highlight novel insights into the interfacial reaction microenvironment on aqueous battery electrodes and oxygen electrocatalysts.
[1] Mefford, J.T.
et al. Nature. 593, 67–73 (2021).
[2] Velasco-Velez, J-J.
et al.
Science. 346, 831-834 (2014).