December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Enhanced Spin-to-Charge Conversion Through Interface Modulation Between Co and Bi1-xSbx

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Seungwon Rho1,Hanbum Park2,Jeehong Park1,Kwangsik Jeong1,Hyeongmun Kim3,Seok-Bo Hong1,Jonghoon Kim1,Hyeon Wook Lim1,Jaeseok Huh1,Yeonjin Yi1,Chul Kang4,Mann-Ho Cho1

Yonsei University1,National University of Singapore2,Chonnam National University3,Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology4


Seungwon Rho1,Hanbum Park2,Jeehong Park1,Kwangsik Jeong1,Hyeongmun Kim3,Seok-Bo Hong1,Jonghoon Kim1,Hyeon Wook Lim1,Jaeseok Huh1,Yeonjin Yi1,Chul Kang4,Mann-Ho Cho1

Yonsei University1,National University of Singapore2,Chonnam National University3,Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology4
Materials with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC), such as heavy metals (HMs) and topological materials (TMs), are highly valued for their ability to convert charge currents into spin currents and vice versa. The efficiency of spin-charge interconversion, defined as the spin Hall angle, is crucial for spintronic applications. TMs, due to the Edelstein effect, exhibit significantly larger spin Hall angles compared to HMs. Among these materials, Bi1-xSbx alloys stand out for their colossal spin Hall angle and superior conductivity. For instance, Bi0.9Sb0.1 has a spin Hall angle of 52 and conductivity of approximately 105 Ω-1m-1. Recent studies using THz emission spectroscopy on Co/Bi1-xSbx heterostructures have shown that the topological surface state (TSS) of Bi1-xSbx is key in spin-to-charge conversion (SCC).
Our study focuses on enhancing SCC efficiency by modulating the interface between Co and Bi1-xSbx. We systematically investigated the SCC and band properties when inserting HMs at this interface using THz emission spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We found that inserting a bismuth 3 bilayer (3 BL) between Co and Bi0.8Sb0.2 increases THz emission by 171%, compared to Co/Bi0.8Sb0.2 heterostructures. Conversely, the Co/Bi/Bi0.2Sb0.8 structure showed a negligible increase in THz emission amplitude compared to Co/Bi0.2Sb0.8. DFT calculations and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the insertion of Bi creates a non-trivial and efficient band structure, enhancing SCC efficiency depending on x in Co/Bi/Bi1-xSbx.
We also investigated the insertion of various HMs (e.g., Sb, Pt) between Co and Bi1-xSbx. Enhanced SCC efficiency was observed only in the Co/Bi(3 BL)/Bi0.8Sb0.2 structure, while other HMs decreased THz emission amplitude. However, varying the thickness of Sb in Co/Sb(t nm)/Bi1-xSbx showed that SCC efficiency could be optimized by leveraging spin Berry curvature at specific high symmetry points. This study highlights interface modulation as a promising strategy for designing efficient spintronic devices.


2D materials | molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)

Symposium Organizers

Chiara Ciccarelli, University of Cambridge
Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Universität Berlin
Roberto Mantovan, CNR-IMM, Univ of Agrate Brianza
Jianhua Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Session Chairs

Emanuele Longo
Roberto Mantovan

In this Session