Dec 3, 2024
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Sheraton, Third Floor, Fairfax B
Naoya Shibata1
The University of Tokyo1
Magnetic-field-free environment for samples is indispensable for characterizing magnetic materials and devices at very high spatial resolution by transmission electron microscopy. Recently developed magnetic objective lens system that realizes a magnetic field free environment at the sample position has realized atomic-resolution observation of magnetic materials [1,2]. This magnetic-field-free atomic-resolution electron microscope (MARS) will be a powerful tool for characterizing many magnetic materials and spintronics devices. In this talk, recent developments and applications of MARS with related new techniques such as tilt-scan differential phase contrast imaging technique [3,4] will be reported.
[1] N. Shibata et al.,
Nature Comm. 10, 2380 (2019).
[2] T. Seki et al.,
Nature Comm. 14, 7806 (2023).
[3] S. Toyama et al.,
Nature Nanotech., 18, 521-528 (2023).
[4] S. Toyama et al.,
[5]This work is supported by JST ERATO grant number JPMJER2202 and the JSPS KAKENHI (grant number 20H05659).