Dec 3, 2024
10:30am - 11:00am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Tremont
Naoya Shibata1
The University of Tokyo1
Differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (DPC STEM) is a powerful technique for local observing electromagnetic field distribution inside materials and devices. Using fast segmented detectors or pixelated detectors, DPC STEM can be imaged in live [1], which may make this imaging method suitable for in-situ applications. Therefore, applying this technique for materials under various external conditions such as low temperatures is much anticipated especially for characterizing quantum and energy materials. In this talk, recent developments and applications along this direction will be reported.
[1] N. Shibata et al.,
Nature Comm. 8, 15631 (2017).
[2] This work is supported by JST ERATO grant number JPMJER2202 and the JSPS KAKENHI (grant number 20H05659).