December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Novel dDesign of Epitaxial Quasi-2D Bi2O2(S, Se)

When and Where

Dec 6, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Hynes, Level 2, Room 207



Li-Lun Chu1,Li-Hui Tsao1,Ming-Kuan Fan1,Ching-Ming Su2,Ying-Hao Chu1

National Tsing Hua University1,National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University2


Li-Lun Chu1,Li-Hui Tsao1,Ming-Kuan Fan1,Ching-Ming Su2,Ying-Hao Chu1

National Tsing Hua University1,National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University2
Since the discovery of graphene, the field of two-dimensional materials (2DMs) has emerged prominently and captivated researchers. This is primarily due to their exceptional characteristics, such as tunable bandgaps, distinctive planar structures, and high thermal and electrical conductivity. Moreover, these properties remain consistent even at atomic-scale thickness. Among the diverse range of 2DMs, bismuth oxychalcogenides (Bi2O2X, where X = S, Se, Te) have garnered significant attention in recent years due to their high electron mobility, air stability, and excellent photoelectric properties. Based on this foundation, bismuth oxychalcogenides are also considered candidates for the next generation of semiconductor materials. Therefore, precise control over the properties of these novel quasi-2D materials is crucial for practical applications. In this study, we aim to synthesize epitaxial thin films of Bi2O2(S, Se) with a compositional gradient of sulfur (S) and selenium (Se). Bi2O2S and Bi2O2Se exhibit strikingly similar structures, facilitating meticulous control over their blending ratios by tuning deposition proportions. This approach allows the modulation of electronic behaviors and crystal structures through variations in elemental composition. Our findings reveal that the lattice constants, band gaps, and electrical properties of the thin film exhibit nuanced shifts dependent on varying composition concentrations. Further, compared to the Bi2O2Se mobility of 148.7 cm2/Vs, we have observed an increase in mobility to 191.1 cm2/Vs in the Bi2O2(S, Se) compound. The outcome is expected to exhibit superior performance in electronic devices. With these efforts, this work not only establishes a pathway toward the development of novel designs for 2D materials but also holds the potential to significantly impact the field of materials science and engineering, opening new avenues for more applications in the future.


2D materials | chemical composition | epitaxy

Symposium Organizers

Andras Kis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Li Lain-Jong, University of Hong Kong
Ying Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hanyu Zhu, Rice University

Session Chairs

Yi Cui

In this Session