December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Redox Properties of Solid Booster and Solution Phase Mediator in a Non-Aqueous Redox Targeting Flow Battery System

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Tulsi Poudel1,Daphne Poirier1,Daniel Rourke2,Eylul Ergun2,Patrick Cappillino1,Ertan Agar2

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth1,University of Massachusetts Lowell2


Tulsi Poudel1,Daphne Poirier1,Daniel Rourke2,Eylul Ergun2,Patrick Cappillino1,Ertan Agar2

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth1,University of Massachusetts Lowell2
Application of Non-aqueous redox flow battery systems are hindered by low energy density. To mitigate the issue, the concept of using solid phase ‘Booster’ in the electrolyte tank containing solution phase active material ‘Mediator’ is used in a Redox Targeting Flow Battery (RTFB) System. The solid phase booster, with tuned reduction potential, increases the energy density of the solution phase mediator and obviates the need for high concentration which leads to increased viscosity and decreased performance. Here, we investigate the redox reaction between the RTFB mediator tetrabutylammonium vanadium(iv)(bis)-hydroxyiminodiacetate (TBA2VBH), which is soluble in a non-aqueous solvent, with Cobalt (II) Hexacyanoferrate (III) (CoHCF), a solid booster. An ex-situ analysis has been carried out to measure the concentration of the mediator in both oxidation states via UV-vis spectroscopy, while independently monitoring the oxidation state of the booster using FTIR spectroscopy. We provide evidence of the importance of the nature of the cations present in the electrolyte, which (de)intercalate within the lattice of the booster during redox cycling. Further, we demonstrate that this property can be used to tune the redox reaction between the RTFB booster and mediator, which must precisely match to have a reversible RTFB system. Cyclic voltammetry analysis further confirms the redox behavior of CoHCF in the present of various cations in the electrolyte system.


infrared (IR) spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Patrick Cappillino, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Aaron Hollas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pan Wang, Westlake University
Xiaoliang Wei, Purdue University

Symposium Support

Neware Technology LLC Bronze
Zhejiang ERG Energy Co., Ltd.

Session Chairs

Patrick Cappillino
Xiaoliang Wei

In this Session