December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Decoding the Broadband Emission of Two-Dimensional Pb-Sn Halide Perovskites Through High-Throughput Exploration

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Elham Foadian1,Jonghee Yang2,Yipeng Tang1,Sumner B. Harris3,Christopher M Rouleau3,Syed Joy4,Kenneth Graham4,Benjamin J. Lawrie3,Bin Hu1,Mahshid Ahmadi1

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville1,Yonsei University2,Oak Ridge National Laboratory3,University of Kentucky4


Elham Foadian1,Jonghee Yang2,Yipeng Tang1,Sumner B. Harris3,Christopher M Rouleau3,Syed Joy4,Kenneth Graham4,Benjamin J. Lawrie3,Bin Hu1,Mahshid Ahmadi1

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville1,Yonsei University2,Oak Ridge National Laboratory3,University of Kentucky4
Unlike single-component two-dimensional (2D) metal halide perovskites (MHPs) exhibiting sharp excitonic photoluminescence (PL), a broadband PL emerges in mixed Pb-Sn 2D lattices. Two physical models –self-trapped exciton and defect-induced Stokes-shift – have been proposed to explain this unconventional phenomenon. However, the explanations provide limited rationalizations without consideration of the formidable compositional space, and thus, the fundamental origin of broadband PL remains elusive. Herein, we established our high-throughput automated experimental workflow to systematically explore the broadband PL in mixed Pb-Sn 2D MHPs, employing PEA (Phenethylammonium) as a model cation known to work as a rigid organic spacer. Spectrally, the broadband PL becomes further broadened with rapid PEA2PbI4 phase segregation with increasing Pb concentrations during early-stage crystallization. Counterintuitively, MHPs with high Pb concentrations exhibit prolonged PL lifetimes. Hyperspectral microscopy identifies substantial PEA2PbI4 phase segregation in those films, hypothesizing that the establishment of charge transfer excitons by the phase segregation upon crystallization at high-Pb compositions results in distinctive PL properties. Our results indicate that two independent mechanisms—defect-induced Stoke-shifts and the establishment of charge transfer excitons by phase segregation—coexist which significantly correlates with the Pb:Sn ratio, thereby simultaneously contributing to the broadband PL emission in 2D mixed Pb-Sn HPs. Our high-throughput approach allows us to reconcile the controversial prior models describing the origin of the broadband emission in 2D Pb-Sn MHPs, shedding light on how to comprehensively explore the fundamentals and functionalities of the complex materials systems.


defects | surface chemistry

Symposium Organizers

Anita Ho-Baillie, The University of Sydney
Marina Leite, University of California, Davis
Nakita Noel, University of Oxford
Laura Schelhas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Symposium Support

APL Materials

Session Chairs

Marina Leite
Nakita Noel

In this Session