December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Bulk-Rashba Effect with Spin-Coherent Transport in a Novel Polar Phase of BiInO3

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Sheraton, Fifth Floor, Public Garden



Deokyoung Kang1,Xue-Zeng Lu2,Megha Acharya1,Sajid Husain1,Menglin Zhu3,Bridget Denzer3,Isaac Harris1,Piush Behera1,Ching-Che Lin1,Alex Smith1,Francesco Ricci1,Shu Wang1,Tae Yeon Kim1,Lucas Caretta4,Jeff Neaton1,James LeBeau3,Ramamoorthy Ramesh5,James Rondinelli6,Lane Martin5

University of California, Berkeley1,Southeast University2,Massachusetts Institute of Technology3,Brown University4,Rice University5,Northwestern University6


Deokyoung Kang1,Xue-Zeng Lu2,Megha Acharya1,Sajid Husain1,Menglin Zhu3,Bridget Denzer3,Isaac Harris1,Piush Behera1,Ching-Che Lin1,Alex Smith1,Francesco Ricci1,Shu Wang1,Tae Yeon Kim1,Lucas Caretta4,Jeff Neaton1,James LeBeau3,Ramamoorthy Ramesh5,James Rondinelli6,Lane Martin5

University of California, Berkeley1,Southeast University2,Massachusetts Institute of Technology3,Brown University4,Rice University5,Northwestern University6
The Rashba effect, which arises from spin-orbit coupling induced by broken inversion symmetry, has been sought for use in low-power spintronics. While polar materials have been reported to exhibit bulk-Rashba effect arising from the polar crystal symmetry, the exploration of this effect has been hindered by the scarcity of polar materials exhibiting the bulk-Rashba effect and rapid spin-relaxation effects dictated by the D’yakonov–Perel’ (DP) mechanism. Theoretical works suggest that persistent-spin texture (PST) can be realized via inducing unidirectional spin texture enforced by crystal symmetry, such that the spin-relaxation effect is suppressed. Experimental evidence for the bulk-Rashba effect with unidirectional-spin texture, however, remains elusive so far. BiInO3, for example, has been theoretically predicted to exhibit PST in a polar Pna21 version but stabilizing that polar structure has proven to be challenging. Prior efforts had, in turn, produced a non-polar Pnma version of BiInO3 (henceforth, O-BiInO3) in thin-films.

Here, two key observations are made: a novel polar LiNbO3-type R3c phase of BiInO3 (henceforth, a R-BiInO3) can be stabilized using epitaxial control and this phase exhibits a bulk-Rashba effect with suppressed spin relaxation as the result of unidirectional-spin texture. While non-polar O-BiInO3 was stabilized when grown on MgO (001) substrates, R-BiInO3 was grown with twinned domain structures on DyScO3 (110)O substrates (henceforth, (001)-oriented R-BiInO3 film), and a monodomain structure on SrTiO3 (111) substrates (henceforth, (111)-oriented R BiInO3 film). The domain structures and polar symmetry of BiInO3 films were confirmed using extensive structural characterization studies including X-ray diffraction, scanning transmission electron microscopy, second-harmonic generation spectroscopy. Compared to the O-BiInO3 films, the R-BiInO3 films showed higher electrical conductivity due to a slightly reduced optical band gap and enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric responses corresponding to its polar nature. First-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations explore both the structural stability of the R-BiInO3 phase and reveal Rashba-type spin splitting with unidirectional spin texture around the Fermi level (EF) exceeding no more than 3 meV above the conduction band minimum energy (ECBM). The R-BiInO3 films were systematically annealed in slightly oxygen-deficient environments to create oxygen vacancies such that the carrier concentration was tuned to access the potential unidirectional spin texture (i.e., EF-ECBM < 3 meV) and so that the films were adequately conductive for transport measurements. Crystallographic orientation-dependent anisotropic transport behavior was observed, where weak antilocalization (WAL) with spin relaxation was observed in annealed (001)-oriented R-BiInO3 films, while weak localization (WL) showing spin-coherent transport with long spin-relaxation times exceeding 3.36 ns was observed in annealed (111)-oriented R-BiInO3 films; the latter effects are likely due to the removal of the multidomain structure and anisotropic spin diffusion. Additional transport measurements revealing planar-Hall effect, anisotropic magnetoresistance, and non-reciprocal charge transport on the annealed (111)-oriented R-BiInO3 films confirm the bulk-Rashba effect with a Rashba coefficient of 760 meV●Å. All told, a previously unreported polar phase, R-BiInO3, simultaneously exhibits the bulk-Rashba effect and spin-coherent electron transport due to unidirectional spin texture. These findings offer insights into spin-orbit coupling physics within a polar materials system and suggest potential applications in emerging spin-based applications.


epitaxy | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Chiara Ciccarelli, University of Cambridge
Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Universität Berlin
Roberto Mantovan, CNR-IMM, Univ of Agrate Brianza
Jianhua Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Session Chairs

Luis Hueso
Lijun Zhu

In this Session