December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

A & X Ions Govern APbX3 Halide Perovskite Self-Healing in Crystals & Films

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 308



David Cahen1,Gary Hodes1,Dan Oron1,Pallavi Singh1

Weizmann Institute of Science1


David Cahen1,Gary Hodes1,Dan Oron1,Pallavi Singh1

Weizmann Institute of Science1
Self-healing (SH) materials can become game changers in developing sustainable “stuff”, especially in (opto)electronics. In terms of sustainable use, APbX3 Halide (=X) Perovskite (HaP) semiconductors have a strong advantage over most others, as they can self-heal (SH) damage. We show SH, using "fluorescence recovery after photobleaching" (FRAP), also in (encapsulated) polycrystalline films, as used in most devices. There, SH from photodamage is faster for γ-CsPbI3 and α-FAPbI3 than for MAPbI3 and substituting ≧15 at.% MA+ with guanidinium (Gua+) or acetamidinium (AA+) enhances SH. However, substituting dimethyl ammonium (DMA+), about the size of Gua+ and AA+, for MA+ does not change the SH rate. Thus, while the A cation is considered electronically relatively inactive, it affects both SH kinetics (and photodamage thresholds). Based on the time scale of SH, we infer that the rate-determining step of SH involves short-range diffusion of A+ and/or Pb2+ cations, complementing earlier findings, and implicating halides (X-) in SH. The SH rate correlates with the material’s strain, the A+ dipole moment, and A+ ….. I- hydrogen bonding, offering clues to the roles of ion, electron, and energy migration in the SH mechanism, which will help guide the design of SH materials.

* Work done with DR Ceratti (now at ENSCParis), Y Soffer, S Bera, Y Feldman & M Elbaum, all from the Weizmann Inst.

Symposium Organizers

Ahmad Kirmani, Rochester Institute of Technology
Felix Lang, Universität Potsdam
Joseph Luther, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ian Sellers, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Symposium Support

APL Energy
Nextron Corporation

Session Chairs

Ahmad Kirmani
Wanyi Nie

In this Session