Dec 3, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 308
David Cahen1,Gary Hodes1,Dan Oron1,Pallavi Singh1
Weizmann Institute of Science1
Self-healing (SH) materials can become game changers in developing sustainable “stuff”, especially in (opto)electronics. In terms of sustainable use, APbX
3 Halide (=X) Perovskite (HaP) semiconductors have a strong advantage over most others, as they can self-heal (SH) damage. We show SH, using "fluorescence recovery after photobleaching" (FRAP), also in (encapsulated) polycrystalline films, as used in most devices. There, SH from photodamage is faster for γ-CsPbI
3 and α-FAPbI
3 than for MAPbI
3 and substituting ≧15 at.% MA
+ with guanidinium (Gua
+) or acetamidinium (AA
+) enhances SH. However, substituting dimethyl ammonium (DMA
+), about the size of Gua
+ and AA
+, for MA
+ does not change the SH rate. Thus, while the A cation is considered electronically relatively inactive, it affects both SH kinetics (and photodamage thresholds). Based on the time scale of SH, we infer that the rate-determining step of SH involves short-range diffusion of A
+ and/or Pb
2+ cations, complementing earlier findings, and implicating halides (X
-) in SH. The SH rate correlates with the material’s strain, the A
+ dipole moment, and A
+ ….. I
- hydrogen bonding, offering clues to the roles of ion, electron, and energy migration in the SH mechanism, which will help guide the design of SH materials.
* Work done with DR Ceratti (now at ENSCParis), Y Soffer, S Bera, Y Feldman & M Elbaum, all from the Weizmann Inst.