December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Soft Vibration Sensor Based on Atomically Thin MoS2 Nanoribbon Networks

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Hynes, Level 2, Room 207



Xufan Li1,Chengyi Xu2,Zhenan Bao2,Avetik Harutyunyan1

Honda Research Institute USA1,Stanford University2


Xufan Li1,Chengyi Xu2,Zhenan Bao2,Avetik Harutyunyan1

Honda Research Institute USA1,Stanford University2
Soft, low-profile, and conformal vibration sensors that can simultaneously and continuously measure and differentiate weak, complex physiological activities from human body are highly desired. Most of the commercially available vibration sensors are bulky and rigid and have limited form factors, which largely limit the implementation in human-interfacing applications requiring seamless integration, safer interaction, improved signal quality, and continuous long-term recording. Low-dimensional materials such as carbon nanotubes, metal nanowires, and two-dimensional materials (e.g., graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)) have been emerging as potential candidates for soft vibration sensors. However, they still suffer the drawbacks of low sensitivities to small mechanical stimuli, structural non-uniformity, and poor mechanical robustness over repeated deformation. In this work, we present an ultrathin and soft vibration sensor made of directly grown single atomic layer MoS2 nanoribbon networks (NRNT) as an active sensing material and styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) thermoplastic elastomer. In contrast to the same MoS2 NRNT on rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that shows typical negative piezoresistive gauge factor (GF) upon bending, the MoS2 NRNT/SEBS system is a crack-based sensor, which renders a positive GF with a much higher absolute value (~1500 at 1.5% strain) compared to the MoS2/PET system (~200 at 1.5% strain) and other low-dimension materials based sensor under similar strain. Compared to continuous MoS2 film, the NRNT shows much higher mechanical robustness, ideal for long-term sensing with bending-unbending cycles upon vibration. The MoS2/SEBS is able to sense acoustic vibration up to 500 Hz with a signal-to-noise of up to 40 dB and differentiate frequencies of mixed vibration signals. The MoS2/SEBS vibration sensor shows great potential for soft electronics in health monitoring, biomedical, and clinical applications.


2D materials | piezoresponse

Symposium Organizers

Andras Kis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Li Lain-Jong, University of Hong Kong
Ying Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hanyu Zhu, Rice University

Session Chairs

Yimo Han
Ying Wang

In this Session