Dec 2, 2024
2:30pm - 2:45pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 311
Hongrui Wu1,2,Adam Dodson3,2,Andrew O'Hara4,Yongqiang Wang5,Benjamin J. Lawrie6,Agham Posadas7,Jimmy Davidson2,Anthony Hmelo2,Alex Demkov7,Leonard Feldman8,Norman Tolk2
Brandeis University1,Vanderbilt University2,Sandia National Laboratories3,Western Michigan University4,Los Alamos National Laboratory5,Oak Ridge National Laboratory6,The University of Texas at Austin7,Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey8
Hongrui Wu1,2,Adam Dodson3,2,Andrew O'Hara4,Yongqiang Wang5,Benjamin J. Lawrie6,Agham Posadas7,Jimmy Davidson2,Anthony Hmelo2,Alex Demkov7,Leonard Feldman8,Norman Tolk2
Brandeis University1,Vanderbilt University2,Sandia National Laboratories3,Western Michigan University4,Los Alamos National Laboratory5,Oak Ridge National Laboratory6,The University of Texas at Austin7,Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey8
Rare earth ions, such as Er
3+, are receiving increased attention for modern telecommunication technologies, radiation damage and temperature sensing in nuclear technologies, and for emerging quantum information science applications. This is due largely to the fact that the 4f-4f electronic transitions in rare-earth ions are well-shielded from their environment by filled 5s and 5p orbitals which permits the 4f-4f electronic transitions to retain atomic-like character with low spectral diffusion. Our results demonstrate that the photophysical properties of solids incorporating Er
3 depend on defect content. In particular, we characterize the influence of defects and proximal interfaces on the temperature dependance of photoluminescence (PL) emission intensity of Er
3+ in molecular beam epitaxially grown single crystal Er
3 thin films on silicon. The samples were subjected to 30 keV He
+ ion beam irradiation with fluences from 1*10
12 atoms/cm
2 to 1*10
15 atoms/cm
2 to introduce ion irradiation damage up to 0.045 dpa (displacement per atom). Surprisingly, the defects induced by ion irradiation result in significant enhancements in PL intensity from specific Er
3+ transitions. In addition, an unexpected non-linearity in erbium emission was observed as a function of decreasing thin film thickness. We discuss these effects in terms of the influence of defects on the crystal site symmetry of the host lattice and on the deviation from crystallinity near interfaces.