December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Automatic Atomic Structure Determination Through X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS)

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
11:30am - 11:45am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 105



Yanna Chen1,2,Shelly Kelly1

Advanced Photon Source1,Canadian Light Source2


Yanna Chen1,2,Shelly Kelly1

Advanced Photon Source1,Canadian Light Source2
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) has become a widely used technique for atomic structure determination. Fourier transformation connects EXAFS in k-space and R-space. However, determining the appropriate k range for the transformation can be challenging. In this study, we present an automatic method to determine the k range using the Larch package and a Python program. The first step is to evaluate the maximum value in the k range (kmax) by estimating noise for different kmax values. The kmax is determined by applying an empirical noise threshold of the second derivative of the noise, which is the point the noise level changes dramatically. Using the obtained kmax value, the first shell is then modeled to determine E0 and to estimate the minimum value for the k range (kmin) through the R-factor of the fit. The kmin value is identified as the point where the R-factor is minimized. Our method was tested on various typical data sets and resulted in suitable k ranges for Fourier transformation and accurate first-shell fitting. This approach helps to avoid unreliable and irreproducible data analysis, especially for noisy data from the diluted samples.


extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) | spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Andre Clayborne, George Mason University
Stacy Copp, University of California, Irvine
Matthew Jones, Rice University
Nonappa Nonappa, Tampere University

Session Chairs

Andre Clayborne
Nonappa Nonappa

In this Session