December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Stability and Degradation of Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Under Multiple Space Relevant Stressors

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 308



Megh Khanal1,Mritunjaya Parashar2,Tamara Merckx3,Vincent Whiteside1,Giles Eperon4,Melissa Davis5,Kelly Schutt5,Joseph Luther5,Mohin Sharma2,Bibhudutta Rout2,Yinghuan Kuang3,Bert Vermang3,Ian Sellers1

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York1,University of North Texas2,imec3,Swift Solar4,National Renewable Energy Laboratory5


Megh Khanal1,Mritunjaya Parashar2,Tamara Merckx3,Vincent Whiteside1,Giles Eperon4,Melissa Davis5,Kelly Schutt5,Joseph Luther5,Mohin Sharma2,Bibhudutta Rout2,Yinghuan Kuang3,Bert Vermang3,Ian Sellers1

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York1,University of North Texas2,imec3,Swift Solar4,National Renewable Energy Laboratory5
The operational stability of metal halide perovskite (MHPs) solar cells in space is influenced by various factors including launch-induced degradation, radiation exposure, high intensity photoexcitation under large temperature swings, as well as charge accumulation effects (amongst others). Here, we present a study that focuses on employing combinations of space relevant stressors to mimic the operational conditions that MHP solar cells may experience in space and under pre-launch conditions. [1] A series of MHP solar cells are assessed in terms of their stability and performance while implementing various encapsulation protocols, as well as in unencapsulated devices which are used to accelerate environmental degradation. Consistent with previous studies, the MHP devices assessed here show high radiation stability, but are much more sensitive to environmental conditions that might be experienced under the high temperature high humidity prelaunch conditions expected in the United States. Degradation is also evident under constant solar illumination at fixed biases particularly when the devices are exposed to high temperature thermal cycling implemented to mimic charge build up in MHPs in space. Additionally, initial assessments of polymer based encapsulants indicate these systems suffer decomposition due to excessive heating under high energy proton exposure. [2] While the use of space grade glass prevents parasitic low energy radiation from directly impacting the structure, there is also a loss of device performance in these architectures when exposed to high fluence proton irradiation. This is attributed to the low thermal conductivity of the glass and the generation of excessive local heat in the cover glass that negatively affects the device layers.
[1] M. N. Khanal et al. J Phys. Energy (under review) 2024
[2] M. N. Khanal et al. Proc. 52nd IEEE PVSC (2024)


optical properties

Symposium Organizers

Ahmad Kirmani, Rochester Institute of Technology
Felix Lang, Universität Potsdam
Joseph Luther, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ian Sellers, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Symposium Support

APL Energy
Nextron Corporation

Session Chairs

Ahmad Kirmani
Felix Lang

In this Session