December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Wearable Full-Organic Radiation Detector for Real-Time Dose Monitoring During Radiation Therapy

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
9:30am - 9:45am
Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom A



Ilaria Fratelli1,2,Laura Basiricò1,2,Andrea Ciavatti1,2,Matteo Verdi1,Sabrina Calvi3,4,Sara Maria Carturan5,2,Antonio Valletta3,4,Alberto Aloisio6,7,Felix Pino2,5,Marcello Campajola7,Sandra Moretto5,Luca Tortora3,4,Matteo Rapisarda3,4,Massimo Chiari2,Stefania De Rosa3,Stefano Bertoldo2,Olivia Cesarini2,Francesco Tommasino8,2,Ettore Sarnelli7,Luigi Mariucci3,4,Paolo Branchini3,4,Alberto Quaranta8,2,Beatrice Fraboni1,2

Università di Bologna1,INFN2,Istituto Nazionale di Fisca Nucleare3,CNR4,Università degli Studi di Padova5,University Federico II6,Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare7,Università di Trento8


Ilaria Fratelli1,2,Laura Basiricò1,2,Andrea Ciavatti1,2,Matteo Verdi1,Sabrina Calvi3,4,Sara Maria Carturan5,2,Antonio Valletta3,4,Alberto Aloisio6,7,Felix Pino2,5,Marcello Campajola7,Sandra Moretto5,Luca Tortora3,4,Matteo Rapisarda3,4,Massimo Chiari2,Stefania De Rosa3,Stefano Bertoldo2,Olivia Cesarini2,Francesco Tommasino8,2,Ettore Sarnelli7,Luigi Mariucci3,4,Paolo Branchini3,4,Alberto Quaranta8,2,Beatrice Fraboni1,2

Università di Bologna1,INFN2,Istituto Nazionale di Fisca Nucleare3,CNR4,Università degli Studi di Padova5,University Federico II6,Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare7,Università di Trento8
Mechanical flexibility, portability, low cost of fabrication, scalability onto large areas and human tissue equivalence are crucial properties which make organic and hybrid semiconductors excellent candidates for the development of wearable personal dosimeters. Among others, their employment in the medical field (i.e. during proton therapy treatments) to monitor in real-time and in-situ the dose delivered to the patients during radiotherapy is extremely promising.
Here, we present the results achieved with an innovative fully-organic detector, where a flexible phototransistor (OPT) based on dinaphtho[2,3-b:2′,3′-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene (DNTT) is coupled with a plastic scintillator based on polysiloxane (i.e. homopolymer polymethylphenylsiloxane and polyvinylphenyl-co-phenylmethyl). The ion beam induced luminescence spectra of the scintillators under irradiation with 2 MeV protons and the UV–vis absorbance spectrum of the DNTT film show a significative overlapping, assuring spectral matching between the light emitting sensor (siloxane scintillator) and the photoconverter (DNTT sensitized OPT). Besides, the coupling between the two components of the detector perfectly preserve the mechanical flexibility and conformability of the device. In fact, this detector demonstrated mechanical flexibility down to a curvature radius of RC = 0.5 cm and low power operation (VDS = VGS = -1 V), assessing its potential employment as a personal dosimeter with high comfort and low risk for the patient.
The detector has been firstly tested under 5 MeV proton beam to reproduce the end-of-range conditions typically present at the border of the target during the prostate cancer treatment. We carried out these tests at LABEC ion beam center (Firenze, Italy). We irradiated the devices with subsequent 10 s cycles of irradiation varying the fluxes of particles in the range of (106 ÷ 1010) H+s−1cm−2. The photocurrent leads to a steep increase upon irradiation which is proportional to the proton flux.
We present a kinetic model able to precisely reproduce the dynamic response of the device under irradiation and to provide further insight into the physical processes controlling it. By this model, the response of the detector, the rise and fall dynamic, and the progressive build-up of a persistent photocurrent are correctly reproduced. The two components identified in the response under proton flux (a swift and a persistent one) were attributed to two kinds of photo-induced defects with different mean values of the distribution of the recovery activation energies. It was demonstrated experimentally and confirmed by the computational analysis that the fast response is recurring, independently from the persistent current drift, thus assessing the suitability of the here proposed devices as a real-time proton detector.
Then, to assess the use of this technology as personal dosimeter, the detecting system has been tested in actual clinical conditions employing an anthropomorphic phantom mimicking the human pelvis, and a therapeutic proton beams provided by the TIFPA proton therapy center (Trento, Italy) typically employed for prostate cancer treatment (energy in the range [70-200] MeV). The wearable detector has been placed in two different positions: (i) centered on the target of the beam (i.e. in the prostate position) and decentered from it, in the region surrounding the tumor (i.e. the rectum which is one of the organs at risk that would benefit from a real-time monitoring of the impinging radiation). The dynamic curve shows that this device is able to monitor in-situ and in real-time the presence/absence of radiation for the accurate recording and mapping of the dose delivered during a treatment plan. Finally, the detector has been characterized as dosimeter when placed centered in the target position demonstrating dose linearity and providing a stable response even after hard and long-lasting proton irradiation (up to 2 x 1010 protons, 30 min of operation).


radiation effects

Symposium Organizers

Ana Claudia Arias, University of California, Berkeley
Derya Baran, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Francisco Molina-Lopez, KU Leuven
Luisa Petti, Free University of Bozen Bolzano

Symposium Support

1-Material Inc.
Journal on Flexible Electronics
Nextron Corporation
Sciprios GmbH

Session Chairs

Ana Claudia Arias
Jae Sung Son
Yanliang Zhang

In this Session