December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Fully Textile Biosensing Platforms for Real Time Monitoring of Biofluids

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
4:45pm - 5:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 302



Beatrice Fraboni1,Isacco Gualandi1,Marta Tessarolo1,Francesco Decataldo1,Federica Mariani1,Giorgio Cortelli1,Domenica Tonelli1,Vito Vurro1,Erika Scavetta1

Università di Bologna1


Beatrice Fraboni1,Isacco Gualandi1,Marta Tessarolo1,Francesco Decataldo1,Federica Mariani1,Giorgio Cortelli1,Domenica Tonelli1,Vito Vurro1,Erika Scavetta1

Università di Bologna1
The development of wearable sensors, in particular fully-textile ones, is one of the most interesting open challenges in bioelectronics.
Here we present two examples of fully textile biosensing platforms based on the conducting polymer poly(3,4-thylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), for healthcare and sport activities real-time monitoring.
The first application consists of simple threads, based on natural and synthetic fibers, coated by PEDOT:PSS and properly functionalized with either a nano-composite material or a chemical sensitive dye to obtain Cl− and pH selective sensing functionality, respectively. The single-thread sensors show excellent sensitivity, reproducibility, selectivity, long term stability and no cross interference and they can be knitted or sewed into fabrics, opening up a new vision for a textile wearable multi-sensing platform achievable in the near future[1].
The second application consists in the integration of textile sensors in a medical bandage, to directly obtain real time information on moisture status, uric acid concentration and pH level of wound exudate.
Monitoring the healing stages of hard-to-heal wounds is challenging since it can allow for better-targeted therapies and faster patient recovery, without removing the bandage and disturbing the wound bed.
The three proposed sensors are obtained by screen printing PEDOT:PSS on a medical gauze and, for all the proposed devices a key feature is the use of special medical-grade textile materials that provide a passive sampling system, thus enabling the continuous, real-time and non-invasive analysis of wound fluid.
The moisture sensor, directly integrated with an RFID chip implementing a real-time wireless monitoring, operates by detecting impedance variations that span over several orders of magnitude between dry and wet states. [2].
The pH sensor is realized by integrating a sensing layer, including the two-terminal pH sensor made of a semiconducting polymer and iridium oxide particles, and an absorbent layer ensuring the delivery of a continuous wound exudate flow across the sensor area. It exhibits a reversible response with a sensitivity of (59 ± 4) μA pH-1 in the medically relevant pH range for wound monitoring [3].
The sensor for UA is an all PEDOT:PSS OECT that can reliably and reversibly detect UA concentration in synthetic wound exudate in the biologically relevant range of 220−750 μM. Its behaviour is tested in flow conditions for better mimicking the real wound bed [4].
[1] L. Possanzini, F. Decataldo, F. Mariani, I. Gualandi, M. Tessarolo, E. Scavetta, B. Fraboni, Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 17180.
[2] M. Tessarolo, L. Possanzini, I. Gualandi, F. Mariani, L. Torchia, D. Arcangeli, F. Melandri, E. Scavetta, B. Fraboni Frontiers in Physics 2021, 9, 722173
[3] F. Mariani, M. Serafini, I. Gualandi, D. Arcangeli, F. Decataldo, L. Possanzini, M. Tessarolo, D. Tonelli, B. Fraboni, E. Scavetta ACS Sensors 6 2021, 2366−2377
[4] D. Arcangeli, I. Gualandi, F. Mariani, M. Tessarolo, F. Ceccardi, F. Decataldo, F. Melandri, D. Tonelli, B. Fraboni, E. Scavetta ACS Sensors 2023, 8, 1593−1608



Symposium Organizers

Madhu Bhaskaran, RMIT University
Hyun-Joong Chung, University of Alberta
Ingrid Graz, Johannes Kepler University
Edwin Jager, Linköping University

Symposium Support

Institute of Physics Publishing

Session Chairs

Ingrid Graz
Nils-Krister Persson

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