December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Sliding Ferroelectricity and Nonlinear Light-Matter Interaction in 2D Quantum Materials

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
10:30am - 11:00am
Hynes, Level 2, Room 207



Xiaofeng Qian1

Texas A&M University1


Xiaofeng Qian1

Texas A&M University1
The ability to achieve noninvasive detection and efficient control of electric and magnetic orders as well as topology in 2D quantum materials is of great importance to the development of ultrathin quantum devices. In this talk, I will present our theoretical effort on understanding and predicting the sliding ferroelectricity and nonlinear response/memory effect in 2D quantum materials. I will first discuss sliding ferroelectricity in time-reversal invariant few-layer Td-WTe2. Although semimetallic it holds out-of-plane polarization which can be switched via interlayer sliding under vertical electric field. Moreover, ferroelectric nonlinear Hall effect can be achieved in few-layer WTe2 by utilizing the intrinsic coupling among nonlinear susceptibility, crystalline symmetry, and quantum geometry of electronic states, paving a theoretical foundation for nonlinear quantum memory such as Berry curvature memory. Recent experimental demonstration of ferroelectric nonlinear Hall effect and Berry curvature memory in few-layer WTe2 will also be discussed. Next, I will present our recent study of nonlinear photocurrent in PT-symmetric magnetic topological quantum materials where nonlinear probe could be particularly fruitful for probing and understanding magnetic topological quantum materials. Finally, I will briefly introduce our recently-developed unified quantum geometric approach based on generalized Wilson loop representation for computing general physical responses.


2D materials | electrical properties

Symposium Organizers

Andras Kis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Li Lain-Jong, University of Hong Kong
Ying Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hanyu Zhu, Rice University

Session Chairs

Ying Wang
Hanyu Zhu

In this Session