December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

On-Chip Magnetic Spectroscopy of a Molecular Spin Clock Transition in Competition with Spin-Spin Interactions

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Fernando Luis1,Marcos Rubín Osanz1,Marina Calero de Ory2,Juan Román-Roche1,François Lambert3,Feng Shao4,Eric Rivière3,Régis Guillot3,Daniel Granados5,David Zueco1,Talal Mallah3,Alicia Gomez2

Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón1,Centro de Astrobiología2,Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay3,Ocean University of China4,IMDEA Materials Institute5


Fernando Luis1,Marcos Rubín Osanz1,Marina Calero de Ory2,Juan Román-Roche1,François Lambert3,Feng Shao4,Eric Rivière3,Régis Guillot3,Daniel Granados5,David Zueco1,Talal Mallah3,Alicia Gomez2

Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón1,Centro de Astrobiología2,Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay3,Ocean University of China4,IMDEA Materials Institute5
We report a “spin clock transition” between the ground and first excited spin superposition states of a mononuclear Ni(II) molecular complex, [Ni(2-Imdipa)(NCS)](NCS), showing a characteristic non-linear magnetic field dependence that can be directly monitored by on-chip broadband transmission experiments. The sizeable quantum tunnelling splitting in this molecular system, with an S = 1 ground multiplet and strong anisotropy, provides a realization of the simplest non-Kramers system (integer spin). Lowering the temperature of the system down to the millikelvin regime in a dilution refrigerator allows exploring the competition between the onset of antiferromagnetic interactions and the energy gap of the spin clock transition in a fully concentrated sample. In addition, we show the coupling of the spin clock transition to lumped-element superconducting resonators, reaching very high cooperativity values. These results open the possibility of studying the interplay between long-range correlations and photon mediated interactions in a hybrid quantum platform.


organometallic | qubit

Symposium Organizers

Danna Freedman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anke Krueger, University of Stuttgart
Alexander Kuehne, Ulm University
Fernando Luis, Universidad de Zaragoza

Symposium Support

Keysight Technologies

Session Chairs

Ken Albrecht
Alexander Kuehne

In this Session