December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Surface Restructuring and Ion Exchange in Molten Salts for Enhanced SrTiO3 Water Splitting Photocatalysts

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
11:00am - 11:15am
Hynes, Level 3, Room 300



Mingyi Zhang1,2,Paul Salvador2,Gregory Rohrer2

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1,Carnegie Mellon University2


Mingyi Zhang1,2,Paul Salvador2,Gregory Rohrer2

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1,Carnegie Mellon University2
Semiconductor-based photocatalysis offers a promising method for generating solar fuels by directly converting water into hydrogen and oxygen under light exposure. However, its commercial application is limited by poor efficiency, primarily due to the recombination of photogenerated charge carriers and surface back reactions. Al-doped SrTiO3 synthesized in a SrCl2 melt, stands out as one of the most efficient photocatalysts for water splitting, exhibiting a quantum yield close to unity. Despite extensive discussions on the effect of Al3+ doping, the role of the molten SrCl2 has yet to be fully understood. By analyzing the surface structure and chemistry of SrTiO3 catalysts with AFM and XPS, we found that the treatment with SrCl2 melt leads to a more negatively charged surface, attributed to an increased concentration of surface hydroxyl groups. The resulting potential drop varies with crystallographic orientation. Consequently, the potential difference between the (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) surfaces increases from 0.07 V to 0.21 V, generating a significantly stronger electric field within the particle and enhancing charge separation. Furthermore, we present a novel strategy for designing SrTiO3 photocatalysts based on ion exchange reactions between perovskite oxides and molten salts. In this process, the A-site cations in oxides can be exchanged with alkali earth cations in molten salts. Notably, SrTiO3 derived from BaTiO3 via the reaction, BaTiO3(s) + SrCl2(l) = SrTiO3(s) + BaCl2(l), demonstrates exceptional photocatalytic performance (AQY = 11.4% under 380 nm) and produces hydrogen from pure water at a rate twice that of conventional SrTiO3 without ion exchange. The enhanced photocatalytic efficiency is attributed to its nonequilibrium structure, featuring a Sr-excess phase near the surface, which compensates for donor defects that typically act as charge traps and recombination centers. Our results highlight the potential of using molten salts to design and synthesize highly efficient photocatalyst materials.



Symposium Organizers

Virgil Andrei,
Rafael Jaramillo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rajiv Prabhakar,
Ludmilla Steier, University of Oxford

Session Chairs

Rafael Jaramillo
Ludmilla Steier

In this Session