December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Fibrillary Gelation of PEDOT:PSS Nanofiber for Organic Electrochemical Transistors in Wearable Bioelectronics

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Youngkwang Shin1,Tae-il Kim1

Sungkyunkwan University1


Youngkwang Shin1,Tae-il Kim1

Sungkyunkwan University1
PEDOT:PSS, a conductive polymer commonly used in organic electronics and bioelectronics, offers high electrical and ionic conductivity, solution processability, and biocompatibility. In this study, we present a novel method to enhance PEDOT:PSS fiber with high conductivity. Moreover, a robust and breathable nanofiber mat electrode with a large surface area could be demonstrated.
Designed to ensure skin adaptability and stability through theoretical mechanical analysis, this nanofiber mat electrode maintains impedance stability under daily use, thereby addressing durability issues for long-term applications. Its breathability, high surface area, and reduced interfacial impedance allow for continuous use even under significant and repeated skin deformation.
This PEDOT:PSS nanofiber electrode exhibits an impressive electrical conductivity of approximately 200 S*cm^(-1) and a volumetric capacitance of approximately 80 F*cm^(-3), making it highly suitable for organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). Utilizing the nanofiber mat electrode, we fabricate an OECT with a transconductance of 10 mS in depletion mode, demonstrating its potential for continuous sweat ion sensing applications. These results indicate that PEDOT:PSS nanofiber has significant potential as a reliable component for noninvasive skin electronics, especially sweat sensors and other wearable bioelectronic devices.
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Symposium Organizers

Reza Montazami, Iowa State Univ
Jonathan Rivnay, Northwestern University
Stephen Sarles, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville
Sihong Wang, University of Chicago

Session Chairs

Reza Montazami
Stephen Sarles

In this Session