December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Development of High-Efficiency Charge Transfer Materials and Bio-Compatible Devices for Advanced Healthcare Systems

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



JinKyeom Kim1,2,Jeong Min Baik1,Xudong Wang2

Sungkyunkwan University1,University of Wisconsin–Madison2


JinKyeom Kim1,2,Jeong Min Baik1,Xudong Wang2

Sungkyunkwan University1,University of Wisconsin–Madison2
TENG (triboelectric nanogenerator), it occurs when two materials with different polarity based on triboelectric series are brought into contact and transfers tribo-charges on two material’s surfaces called as triboelectrification. A method of driving by increasing the amount of surface charge transfer, followed by the generation of electric potentials between them. Here, for maximize the performance of TENG, research in which positively charged and bio-medical application. The important point is that the positively charged material layered composites synthesized MoS2/SiO2 core-shell (MSCS). Synthesizing core-shell structures with silica for charge trapping and MoS2 for high charge transfer efficiency maximizes each characteristic, creating high-efficiency charge transfer materials. MSCS can maximize the efficiency of TENG by trapping charge to make a lot of electrons flow on the circuit. The positively charged charge made of core-shell accumulates charge between the interfaces. The negatively charged material was PFA (perfluoroalkoxy polymer). The continuous average open-circuit voltage 739 V, short-circuit current 42.9 µA and charge density 429 µC/m2 at a two-layer device (size 2 x 2 cm2). That results reveal that 50nm thickness, high frequency and larger pressure can improve the maximum power density. High charge retention is maintained approximately over 80% within 25 hour. At relatively high humidity, stably induced the high surface charge density. MSCS is maintained amount of charge between the interfaces regardless of humidity. Miniaturizing and optimizing bio-devices by combining them with bio-compatible materials allows for long-term, high-efficiency, and stable operation inside or outside the heart and other human organs.
Utilizing current patches and self-powered pacemakers to create an advanced medical system, we aim to detect and transmit data on bodily changes by applying these devices to in-vitro, ex-vivo, and in-vivo models. This will implement a bio-interface platform for patches and heart pacemakers, addressing the need for new healthcare system technologies due to the high global incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Effective diagnosis and treatment are challenging with conventional methods, necessitating these new technologies. Specifically, we need technologies that provide electrical stimulation to the sinoatrial node in the right atrium to aid blood circulation and monitor biomechanical changes in real-time and over long periods. As the aging population grows, the need for atrial fibrillation treatment and vascular interventions increases. Current pacemakers, battery-operated with a lifespan of about five years, are bulky and require periodic check-ups. Ensuring a stable energy supply for regular atrial contractions and developing IoT platforms to communicate biological anomalies are crucial. However, technical challenges impede the practical implementation of medical devices that can be implanted in gastrointestinal organs due to wet and highly flexible surfaces of the heart and muscles, dynamic environments of continuous contraction and relaxation for efficient blood supply, difficulty in stable long-term attachment and fixation of medical devices, and technical limitations in attaching and removing devices from target organs. Addressing these challenges necessitates the development of high-efficiency, high-output devices capable of data transmission and reception, and platforms for semi-permanent use within the body.



Symposium Organizers

Sofie Cambré, University of Antwerp
Ranjit Pati, Michigan Technological University
Shunsuke Sakurai, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ming Zheng, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Session Chairs

Shunsuke Sakurai
Ming Zheng

In this Session