December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Sim2Real Multitask Learning for Predicting Polymer and Small-Molecule Miscibility

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
11:00am - 11:15am
Sheraton, Second Floor, Constitution B



Kazuya Shiratori1,2,Shunya Minami3,Stephen Wu3,2,Yoshihiro Hayashi3,2,Hiroki Sugisawa1,Tadamichi Okubo1,Ryo Yoshida3,2,4

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation1,The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai2,The Institute of Statistical Mathematics3,National Institute for Materials Science4


Kazuya Shiratori1,2,Shunya Minami3,Stephen Wu3,2,Yoshihiro Hayashi3,2,Hiroki Sugisawa1,Tadamichi Okubo1,Ryo Yoshida3,2,4

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation1,The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai2,The Institute of Statistical Mathematics3,National Institute for Materials Science4
The miscibility of polymers and small molecules is a critical property in applications such as plastic recycling, polymer synthesis, and purification. This miscibility is described by the free energy of mixing, derived from Flory-Huggins interaction parameters. Here, we introduces a machine learning approach to predict the Flory-Huggins interaction parameters, aiming to predict the miscibility of polymers and small molecules. The significant challenge is the insufficient and biased data due to the high cost of experiments. This limitation results in low prediction accuracy for structures in extrapolation region, where the structures in that region are dissimilar to those in the training data. To address this problem, we expanded the chemical space coverage by generating the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter data through high-throughput COSMO-RS simulation based on DFT calculations. We trained the experimentally observed and simulated data simultaneously through multitask learning. This successfully enabled predictions for the extrapolation region beyond the chemical space of the training data. Our results surpassed the accuracy of a traditional method based on the Hansen solubility parameter (HSP). Moreover, we observed a scaling law, that is, the accuracy is improved with an increased number of the COSMO-RS simulation data. We anticipate further accuracy improvement with an increased simulation dataset. Our method based on the multitask learning with high-throughput simulation data is not only useful for predicting miscibility, but also has the potential to be a solution to the small data problem that is a challenge in materials informatics.



Symposium Organizers

Deepak Kamal, Syensqo
Christopher Kuenneth, University of Bayreuth
Antonia Statt, University of Illinois
Milica Todorović, University of Turku

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Maria Chan
Christopher Kuenneth

In this Session