Dec 5, 2024
11:15am - 11:45am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Tremont
Yi Wei1,Florian Kumpfe1,Dimitar Stamov1,Joan-Carles Escolano1,Alexander Dulebo1,André Körnig1,Torsten Müller1,Thomas Henze1
Bruker Nano GmbH1
Yi Wei1,Florian Kumpfe1,Dimitar Stamov1,Joan-Carles Escolano1,Alexander Dulebo1,André Körnig1,Torsten Müller1,Thomas Henze1
Bruker Nano GmbH1
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a surface technique that can be successfully applied for comprehensive nanomechanical characterization of single molecules, cells and tissues, under near physiological conditions. Some of the current biomedical research trends feature development of novel nano- and biomaterials for regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and sample diagnostics. Further advances in large biosample analysis are driven by the demand for mapping of biological samples that are often inhomogeneous, rough, and difficult to modify/adapt in their native state. Recent AFM developments have also led to unprecedented imaging rates in fluid, enabling temporal resolution on the sub-20-milisecond scale.
We will show several BioAFM applications demonstrating how high-speed AFM, with a temporal resolution on the second to millisecond scale, can be applied to resolve dynamic processes in biological systems. We will introduce the concept of automated large area multiparametric characterization of densely packed cell layers and highly corrugated tissue samples, where full automation, smart mechanical sample analysis, multiple scanner technology, and optical integration is critical for data throughput and reliable correlative microscopy. We will discuss how these developments, in combination with advanced optical microscopy techniques, can overcome the inherent drawbacks of traditional AFM systems for characterizing challenging biological samples.