December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Crystallographic Dimensionality Determines the Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism in Alkali Transition Metal Chlorides

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Michael Spencer1,Tae Gyu Yun1,Marguerite Flynn1,Alexis Grimaud1

Boston College1


Michael Spencer1,Tae Gyu Yun1,Marguerite Flynn1,Alexis Grimaud1

Boston College1
Intense research efforts on transition metal chalcogenides (oxides and sulfides), pnictides (nitrides and phosphides) and fluorides have demonstrated the complex, intertwined effects of structural and chemical changes on their electrochemical response leading to intercalation, conversion or displacement reactions when reacting with lithium. Prior efforts largely left halides (e.g. chlorides, bromides, and iodides) unexplored due to their heightened solubility in classical liquid electrolytes. A significant knowledge gap for the electrochemical reactivity of transition metal halides remains, as well as a limited chemical library by which the iono-covalent bonding character in energy storage materials can be tuned. Recently, our group provided the first demonstration of electrochemical lithium ion insertion in TM halides (VX3; X = Cl, Br, I) using superconcentrated electrolytes that suppress the solubility of halides, opening new chemistries for intercalation compounds. In this work, we employ superconcentrated electrolytes to demonstrate the composition- and structure-dependent electrochemical reactivity of a new family of halide compounds with A2MCl4 stoichiometry (A = Li or Na and M = Cr, Mn, Fe and Co) that were previously never studied in liquid electrolytes. Comparing four lithiated compounds with different transition metals, we demonstrate that they all undergo a conversion reaction when reacting with 2 Li+ per formula unit, the reaction being associated with large polarization and limited cycling ability. However, electrochemical studies reveal a unique low polarization and reversible reaction in Li2CoCl4. Combining in situ XRD with post-mortem XPS and TEM/EDS analysis, we demonstrate that Li2CoCl4 first reacts with one Li+ following a displacement reaction. This reaction is enabled by the formation of a Li6CoCl8 intermediate, which shares a similar anionic framework as pristine Li2CoCl4, ensuring the topotactic insertion of Li+ balanced by the Co2+/Co0 redox couple and the formation of metallic Co nanoparticles. Comparing these compounds, we propose that two criteria are necessary to trigger the displacement reaction in A2MCl4 compounds: the presence of 1D chains of edge-sharing octahedra and availability of a metal-deficient intermediate. Screening a multitude of A2MCl4 compounds, we demonstrate the universality of these design principles which extend to Na-ion materials by demonstrating a low-polarization, reversible displacement reaction for Na2MnCl4 when cycled in Na-based superconcentrated electrolyte. Overall, our work provides a broad understanding of structure-property relationships controlling the reactivity of ternary transition metal halides with alkali cations.


in situ | x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

Symposium Organizers

Kelsey Hatzell, Vanderbilt University
Ying Shirley Meng, The University of Chicago
Daniel Steingart, Columbia University
Kang Xu, SES AI Corp

Session Chairs

Kelsey Hatzell
Ying Shirley Meng
Daniel Steingart
Kang Xu

In this Session