December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

DAEMON COST Action—A Pan-European Network for Materials Discovery Acceleration

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
1:45pm - 2:15pm
Sheraton, Second Floor, Constitution B



Ivor Loncaric1,Kevin Rossi2,Milica Todorović3,Federico Grasselli4

Rudjer Boskovic Institute1,Delft University of Technology2,University of Turku3,Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia4


Ivor Loncaric1,Kevin Rossi2,Milica Todorović3,Federico Grasselli4

Rudjer Boskovic Institute1,Delft University of Technology2,University of Turku3,Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia4
DAEMON (Data-driven Applications towards the Engineering of Functional Materials: an Open Network) COST action [1,2] is a pan-European network consisting of 200+ members from 40+ EU countries, which focuses on capacity-building and research-coordination efforts, with the end goal of to accelerating materials discovery in Europe by means of cutting-edge computational techniques and data-driven methods.<br/><br/>In this presentation, I will discuss ongoing efforts and activities of the network towards this goal. Next, I will focus on the challenges, and unexploited opportunities, that characterize materials acceleration in the specific context of a truly horizontal, inclusive, and pan-European network, together with the top-down and bottom-up level policies we aim to lobby for.<br/><br/>[1]<br/>[2] <u>https://cost-</u><u>daemon</u><u>.eu/</u>

Symposium Organizers

Deepak Kamal, Syensqo
Christopher Kuenneth, University of Bayreuth
Antonia Statt, University of Illinois
Milica Todorović, University of Turku

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Matilda Sipilä
Milica Todorović

In this Session